Chapter 2: Diagon Alley

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Soon after D/N and M/N followed and they were wandering around Diagon Alley, purchasing all the equipment. There was a book store that intrigued Y/N, so he decided to ask his parents if he could go. "Hey, Dad, can I go into that shop over there and like, have a look around?" Y/N asked. "Yes, just make it quick," D/N granted permission.

As Y/N entered he noticed that the bookshelves reached the ceiling, which was ridiculously high.

Suddenly, Y/N bumped into someone, accidentally knocking them over. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Y/N asked, while assisting them to their feet.

When they were stood up Y/N realised they were a girl with bushy, brown hair. And a beautiful one at that. Y/N also thought he saw a blush on her face when she saw him as well. "No, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," the girl apologized. "I'm Y/N L/N," Y/N said, as he extended his hand. "I'm Hermione Granger," the girl now known as Hermione said, shaking Y/N's hand.

"By the way, aren't the L/Ns a pure blood family?" Hermione asked. "Yeah, my family is in Diagon Alley right now. They are probably wondering where I've been, I've been gone for quite a bit," said Y/N. "I'm a muggleborn myself, I had no idea all of this existed," Hermione said. Y/N felt his heart ache a little bit when Hermione said she was a muggleborn. Now he knew his parents won't take kindly to Hermione. Just then the door of the store has flung open. "Y/N, come on, time to get your wand," D/N said. Y/N turned back to Hermione. "I guess, I'll see you at Hogwarts hopefully goodbye," Y/N said.

"So who was that? Was she another pure blood?" D/N asked. "No, unfortunately," Y/N answered. "Well, leave that disgusting creature alone," D/N said. Anger began to rise in Y/N at the foul names his father called Hermione.

They strolled over to a black store that was so old, the paint was peeling off. The sign above the entrance of the store read 'Ollivander's'. They stopped outside the store and D/N placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Getting a wand is one the most important things to happen to a witch or wizard. So that is why I will wait outside," D/N said. Y/N nodded in understanding and entered the store.

Not a single soul looked they were in the store, and not even the sound of wasp flying could be heard. "Hello!" Y/N called out. There was a rattling noise and looked up to see a old man on a ladder, leaning against one the shelves full of wands. "Hello there, L/N," the old man, who Y/N assumed to be Ollivander, said. "How do you know my name?" Y/N asked. "Because your father is standing right over there," Ollivander pointed over to the window. Y/N saw his father looking through the window and waving. Y/N waved back and turned back to Ollivander.

"So, how do I get my wand?" Y/N asked. "Oh right, wait here," Ollivander said, climbing back onto the ladder and vanishing into the shelves of wands.

After about half a minute Ollivander returned, this time carrying a small rectangular box. Ollivander carefully placed the wand on the counter, and removed the lid. "(Your wand description)," said Ollivander. Ollivander held out the to Y/N and he gently removed it from Ollivander's grip. Y/N felt a strange sensation of something flowing through his body and veins. "Well, what are you waiting for? Give it a good swing," demanded Ollivander. Y/N swished his wand and able to lift a vase off a miniature table and into the air.

"Oh first try, that doesn't happen often," Ollivander complimented. Y/N paid seven galleons for his wand and exited the store.

"What's it made out of?" D/N asked, curiously. "Ollivander said it was (your wand description)," Y/N said. "Cool, we better catch with the other two, they're probably worried, the sun's going down. Oh, by the way, I got you this," D/N held out a cage with owl inside. "Thank you so much! I'm going to call him O/N," Y/N said.

Over the next few months, Y/N read tons of books about magic and Hogwarts. His favourite by far was 'Hogwarts: A History'. But he also couldn't stop think about Hermione. She seemed really nice and smart, not to mention gorgeous. The day eventually came were he would have to leave for Hogwarts. His trolley was packed and they had just arrived at Kings Cross Station.

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