Chapter 5: The Sorting And The Feast

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The two of them chatted for hours until the train pulled into the station. The Hogwarts Express let out a ear-splitting whistle, and a giant, hairy man walked by the window, brandishing a lantern.

The students poured out of the train and onto the aisle. Y/N and Hermione followed Harry and Ron over to the large man. "Right, then! Firs' years! This way, please! C'mon, now, don't be shy! C'mon on now, 'urry up!" The man bellowed.

The man sees the four approaching. "'Ello Harry, who are these?" He asked in a friendly tone. "Hey Hagrid, that's Ron, Y/N and Hermione," Harry introduced. "Whoaa!" Ron awed at Hagrid. "You wouldn't have to be Ron Weasley, would ya? I've met your brothers," Hagrid said.

"And you, aren't you Y/N L/N? I've met your parents and your sister," Hagrid said. "What 'bout you, Hermione?" Hagrid asked. "I'm a muggleborn," Hermione said. "Oh, well, that explains it then," said Hagrid.

"Right then. This way to the boats! C'mon, now, follow me," Hagrid ordered. The four of them boarded a boat with Y/N and Hermione sitting in the front. Once every student had boarded a boat, they sailed across a beautiful lake. "This lake is called, the Black Lake, I read about it," Hermione enlightened. "Let me guess, Hogwarts: A History?" Y/N guessed, with a grin. Hermione smiled back at him. "Correct," she said, blushing.

The boats sailed for a short while until something came up over the horizon. A magnificent, ancient castle appeared. Everyone was gawking at how beautiful it looked. "Wicked," Ron whispered, in awe.

The boats pulled into the shore and everyone hopped out. Hagrid lead them inside and over to a old woman, dressed in traditional witch clothing, and strict looking face.

"The firs' years Professor McGonagall," Hagrid said. "Thank you, Hagrid," McGonagall thanked. She then turned to the crowd of first years. "Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a moment, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seat you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Now, while you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn house points. Any rule breaking, will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup-" McGonagall said, before a boy shouted. "Trevor!" He lunged forward and picked up a toad. "That's Neville, he was the one I helping look for the toad," Hermione whispered, in Y/N's ear.

Neville realised what he had just done and looked at McGonagall. McGonagall gave a stern look back. "Sorry," Neville apologized, taking his place in the crowd. "The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily," McGonagall announced, exiting through the door behind her.

"How are we sorted into our houses?" Harry asked Ron. "My brothers said you had to fight a troll," Ron responded. "Your brothers were messing with you again, Ron. They use the Sorting Hat to sort you," Y/N answered.

Suddenly, a boy with slicked back, pale blonde hair, spoke up. "It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts," the boy said, as he strolled over to were McGonagall previously stood. Whispers broke out amongst the students at what the boy was saying.

"This is Crabbe and Goyle," the blonde boy nodded over to two tall, fat kids. Who were meant to look intimidating, but weren't in the slightest. "And I'm Malfoy...Draco Malfoy," the blonde boy introduced. Ron tried his best to contain his laughter, but failed miserably, emitting a loud snicker. Draco turned to Ron, with disgust written on his face. "Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley," Draco sneered. Ron's pride was clearly hurt, as he frowned and looked at the ground.

"Well soon you'll find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. Don't go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there," Draco said, extending his hand. Harry focused on Draco's hand, then he looked back up at Draco. "I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks," Harry rejected Draco's offer.

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