Chapter 11: Layla & Reed

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Wandering alone in the rain is one of the best feelings

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Wandering alone in the rain is one of the best feelings. It just makes me so happy. A smile stretches on my face automatically everytime it rains.

This time is also the same. I was in my penthouse when it started raining and I just had to go down and feel the raindrops on my face.

I don't know for how long I've been walking, the beautiful view in front of me has made me forget about everything. Right now all I can see is the sky in various colours, some vibrant some perpetually murky. The sun is low on the horizon and the sunlight is travelling in all the directions while the rest of the sky is splattered with orange, pink and purple colours with a little spots of dark blue here and there. But sky is not as bright as it always is during sunrise because of the passing clouds, dark and gloomy in colour and as heavy as wet sponge. But that little light in between the passing clouds reminds me of hope.

Hope of having a little light even on the darkest of days. Hope, that after darkness everything will be like flying colours. And hope, that once we're through the darkness, a great deal of light is waiting for us at the end.

Even in this heavy downpour, a small peek of sun is creating a messy colour palette, with various colours spraying across the sky.

Once the rain has stopped, I sat on a wet bench as my clothes were soaked as well. Crossing my legs on the bench, I took a deep breath and all the problems came in my mind one by one. Today is my wedding and in two hours my mother will come to pick me up. Call it cold feet or second thoughts but I was desperately having them last night, resulting in only five hours of sleep.

Standing up again, I gave my jacket a hitch. Now that the feeling of serenity is gone, I was starting to feel cold. Taking few quick steps I reached the lift. Pressing the top floor button I stepped inside, still clutching onto my jacket with one hand, I was holding the side of the lift with the other.

Sometimes I think that I'm an idiot who deliberately creates problem. In the lift I was starting to realise that I'm going to be sick. Like cold/cough/vomit/fever type sick. It is so stupid of me that I went out in rain on my wedding day.

Finally reaching on the top floor, I fished out my keys and opened the door.

Inside the penthouse, I quickly changed my clothes and dried my hair so I don't make my cold even worse. Gulping down some lukewarm water, I fell asleep again.

The thing about living on my own is that waking up to my mother staring right at me feels oddly weird. Getting up slowly, I rubbed my eyes and stifled a yawn and then looked at my mother.

"What are you doing here mom?" I stretched my hand and rolled my head to ease the slit in my neck.

"I'm here to pick you up Layla, you were asleep when I got here, and that was an hour ago." She said while looking at her wrist watch as if to confirm the time.

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