54 🌙 Trop m-m-mignonne

Start from the beginning

I grabbed our bags from the trunk while she kept staring at the cloudy sky, snowflakes melting onto her rosy cheeks. "The seventy-ninth floor." She looked at me and batted her lashes like a little kid hearing she's going to get a happy meal.

"Uuuhm." She hesitated, looking back up at the building. "You sure?" She smiled at me funny and I playfully rolled my eyes at her before swinging my duffel bag around my back and grabbing her little suitcase. "Jules?" She questioned again and I almost couldn't hide the amusement on my face. I threw my arm around her shoulder next and pulled her inside the building with a grin.

"The top floor? Are you fucking kidding me!" Her eyes went wide once more when I used my resident pass and pressed the button. The highest number on the damn thing. "Don't tell me this one directly enters the apartment... Or do I have to say penthouse? Jules." She spoke too fast to be calm.

"Lu, baby. Relax." I whispered into her temple before kissing it as soon as the elevator started to move up.

"Jesus yeah relax. I'm about to meet your rich ass parents wearing leggings and an old hoodie. Great. Does your mom wear pearls? I bet she does. This building scream pearls. This building screams billionaire money for god sakes." Her word vomit started and progressed along with the number of floors and we weren't at the top yet. "And I thought Levi was rich... What are you? Riiiiiiicccchhh." She dragged that word for at least three floors. Thirty more floors to go. "I mean why didn't you just tell me? I would have made an effort to whiten my teeth before coming here. I would have at least rocked some pearls in my mouth. I don't know if you're onto it but I'm really really really fucking nervous." Nineteen floors. "Omg I shouldn't swear in front of your parents should I? You should have warned me you were living like a character from Gossip Girl. I knew it was Dan from the very beginning, I was on to that motherfucker. It's maybe my favorite show ever, but I'm not like Blair or Sere-"

Ten floors.

I cut her nervous ramble off with my lips pressing hard into hers. "You're adorable." I whispered and I finally felt her take a deep breath. Five floors. "I never warned y-you because I need you to be you. That's more t-than enough perfection and definitely Gossip Girl worthy. Don't look so surprised m-my sister made me watch a few episodes." Two floors. "I love you, don't forget that." I sighed while the elevator sounded and the doors opened straight into the living room. "Here we go."

Luna's eyes went ballistic when she witnessed the interior and the sky-high windows. She even muttered something under her breath. "Holy motherf-"

"Salut Maman." My cheeks went hot as soon as my mom came around the corner just when Luna was about to finish that. I just felt Luna stare into the side of my face with her mouth open wide at the sound of me speaking French.

"Uhm hi Jules's mom." Luna spilled and instantly she pressed her lips, preventing another possible nervous ramble.

Mom was greeting us in her usual attire. A cooking apron and her leggings. I knew Luna had nothing to worry about, because my mom might be swimming in money, she's still as average and grounded as the woman behind the register thirty years ago before she wrote her own Parisian pastry book. She even got her own TV-show, but I was planning on letting Luna get used to the idea of all the wealth before I dropped that bomb on her. "Jules." Mom smiled saying my name in French and then Luna definitely squeezed my hand more than the simple what the hell squeeze. That was more like an I have been saying your name wrong all this time type of squeeze. Not wrong, just different. I like it better in regular English anyway. "Ah, you must be Luna." Mom greeted her like she has known her for years. French hospitality. "Jules told me you had an accident last week. Are you okay honey?" Mom smiled as we finally stepped out of the elevator.

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