Chapter 19 : I'm. Not. A. Midget

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"Oh come on!" He whined. Gosh, he was clingy today. And I loved it.

"Why do you call me Raps? What does it mean?" I asked curiously. It  was something I asked him many times but he always changed the subject.

"It's nothing..." he mumbled.

"Okay, no kisses today for you I guess." I smirked playfully at him. He looked horrified at the idea as if I just asked him to hand me his kidneys.

"NO!" He yelled.

"Okie then, so what does that mean?"

He stuffed a tablet in my mouth and grinned at me cheekily whilst I glared at him.

He's lucky he's cute.

Chewing with great difficulty, I opened my mouth again only to be choked by another piece of tablet. He's definitely not getting kisses for a week.

Checking the time I realised that it was quiet late and I also had an   assignment to complete,"I have an assignment to complete...." I mumbled.

"Do we have to go?" He whined again

"Yeah, you idiot."

He huffed "Fucking fine."


Twenty minutes later we were both standing in front of my dorm and he was still not leaving me, pressing me to his chest and burrowing his face into my neck.

"Can I go now?" I asked

"Why do you have to go? Can't you just sleep at my place?" He rambled.

"No, I need to complete my assignment and I'll be late to class if I'm at yours....."

He grumbled in reply and I slipped out of his hold with great difficulty. I resisted to run into his arms as he clenched his fingers towards me and he glared at me when I didn't.

"Good night then, midget." He grunted as he patted my head like a freaking dog.

"I'm. Not. A. Midget." I growled

"Baby, you're barely five foot..." He chuckled softly, his eyes full adoration as he gazed down at me.

"I'm five foot one, okay?" He raised an eyebrow at me suspiciously.

"Whatever you say, midget." He laughed and patted my head once more.

That's it.

I kicked his shin sharply and he groaned, hunching forward and grabbing his foot. That's what you get for teasing me. I patted his head mockingly.


"Goodnight, Angel." I grabbed his face and kissed his head. He smells soo good, I should definitely steal his shampoo the next time I go to his place. I kissed him a few more times and sniffed his hair.


"Are you sniffing me, Raps?" He asked amusedly.

"Yes. Yes, I am. Got any problem?" I asked, kissing his head one more time.

"Fuck no."


He stilled in my arms as if he didn't want to remind me about leaving and I bit my lip to contain my smile.

"Good night...."

He groaned again,"I thought you'd forget."

He pecked me one, twice, thrice. "When should I get ready for our date?" He murmured against my lips.

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