⚜ Chapter Three - Change ⚜

Start from the beginning

"Dad? Thank goodness you called, I was worrying..." Goku held back a short chuckle, his gaze glancing to the passing cars. "Dad? Are you there?"

"I am. Sorry Gohan, just thinking right now. What made you call?"

"Well, Mom truthfully. But I also was worried when she mentioned you never went back home. It's not like I blame you, but Goten was struggling without you heading back." Goku chewed his lip, running a hand along his chin.

"Shit... I forgot I left Goten there..."

"Don't worry dad, I have him here. I figured it was best, especially when you do decide to go back. She is fuming, so I advise just avoiding the house." There was a brief silence before Goku sighed, tapping his foot as he stopped under the street light.

"Don't worry about me. Keep Goten there for me, at least for a few days. I've got to settle this, before it gets worse."

"Pretty sure it already did. Piccolo got a call from Krillin about something Chi-Chi claimed. I took control and called the bluff, but we can only pray they believe me." A rough laugh filled the phone as Goku scoffed, his tone colder.

"It won't change a damn thing. Look Gohan, do me a favor. I have to deal with Chi-Chi, but try to convince Piccolo if Goten can stay. I'm going to be honest; this might be the end for her and I. I'm just done."

"I understand. Piccolo already said it's fine, so don't worry. If you ever need somewhere, stop by. He also offered the couch to you. Sorry you're dealing with shit like this." Goku smiled weakly, not that the other could see it.

"It's fine. I've always been the one to overcome situations. I'll let you know how things go, should it go south. By the way, what did she claim?" He had his suspicions, but wanted to hear it in words.

"Something about you cheating. She didn't say much detail, only that she caught you with someone else. I personally don't care. She may be my mother, but she's done nothing to honestly deserve your adoration. Either way, I'll let you go. Piccolo is trying to pick up dinner for Goten and I, so I need to make sure Goten gets a bath." Goku hummed, hearing Gohan speak again. "Also, should things be taken to court; know I will back you. Goten has already claimed he'd prefer to remain with you, so don't worry about custody. She'll lose that battle and I'm sure she's aware. It's probably why I kept Goten here. It's just safer, so she doesn't try to force a different outcome."

"Thank you Gohan. I'll talk soon, promise." His son laughed softly, saying a farewell before Goku hung up. The Saiyan held his phone tightly, his teeth grinding together. He was furious for many reasons, though he quickly laid peace to those irritations. Taking a long breath, he wanted this confrontation to remain peaceful.. Placing his phone back in his pocket, he used instant transmission to arrive back at the house. Truth be told, he wasn't sure whether he was more impressed she knew he was coming, or that her first words were insults. Even so, he took a breath before taking the fight inside. He only prayed he could keep his temper dampened, lest he desired to flatten the area.

Hours. Nearly four hours Gohan had remained awake, simply waiting. His silent phone and lack of messages worried him to no end. He had his fears, which loomed over him. Goku was entitled to his own rage, something he deserved to show. But it never stopped Gohan from worrying should that rage become something more. While Chi-Chi was not the most understandable mother, she was still his family. She always would be. So when Gohan heard the slight knock on Piccolo's residence, he was quick to answer.

The sight before him was grotesque and made Gohan choke down his own vomit. That horrid smell of iron and crimson hue layering the Saiyan's garments. He wore his fears outright, though it was noted by Goku. The father simply sighed, entering before holding the bridge of his nose.

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