My Tears into Your Fears

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My tears into your fears

Misty eyed, these tears that have formed, fogging my view
On forgiveness and forgetness, as I move on from you
You confuse my silence, as silence after the storm,
But my winds have just started, it won't take long
For all the red flags to start waving along

My pleasant of days, you tried to burn me down with the heat
Scorching it up, sweats out the buried feels
My black eyes, like the stormiest oceans in the darkest nights
Will soon form rainbows in places, they once shone their blinding light
And these tears, will turn into your worst fears

Sorries and a hundred chances is not too much to ask
I hate it for putting you first and putting myself last
Reading between the lines of my laid plans, I don't even know where to start
Don't know if it's even worse, my expectations of the past
Knife cuts both ways and so does karma's hatchet

My pleasant of days, you tried to burn me down with the heat
Scorching it up, sweats out the buried feels
My black eyes, like the stormiest oceans in the darkest nights
Will soon form rainbows in places, they once shone their blinding light
And these tears, will turn into your worst fears

And I hope he knows that this wasn't my fault, just losses
The grass that looks greener on the other side, isn't a bed of roses,
And I know, what goes around comes around

My pleasant of days, you tried to burn me down with the heat
Scorching me up, sweats out the buried feels
My black eyes, like the stormiest oceans in the darkest nights
Will soon form rainbows in places, they once shone their blinding light
And these tears, will turn into your worst fears

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