Fiddle Me This, Remember This

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"Alright, kids. Be back home before dark. Ok?" Pebbs said, dropping the kids off in front of the Plantar's home. Flossie and Jean gave her a salute. "Yes ma'am!" They said in unison, bursting out laughing right afterwards. Pebbs drove Boris off, leaving the children on the doorstep.
They could hear Polly from inside, complaining about something. The two glanced at each other, and were about to knock on the door when a loud wail-like sound travelled throughout the home. Flossie and Jean covered their ears, watching as birds fell out of the sky, landing on the front lawn.
When it was over, Jean knocked on the door. "Hop Pop? Anne? Sprig? Polly? Everything alright in there?" She asked. The door opened to Anne. "Oh, hey Jean. Come on in!"
The two entered, met with the sight of Hop Pop asking Sprig if he wanted to end up like a worm. Jean leaned toward Anne. "Is...Hop Pop alright?" She asked. Anne only shrugged, holding up a piece of paper. "I don't know, but look what he assigned me to! Designing and making Sprig's costume! This is gonna be great!" She squealed, disappearing into the basement. Watching her go, Jean shrugged, walking over to Hop Pop.
Hop Pop was now making Sprig do pushups. Jean was confused why that had to do with playing the fiddle, but she didn't question it. "Hop Pop, do you have a guitar somewhere? Flossie and I are gonna try out Amphibia's Got Talent, and I was gonna play the guitar for her." She asked. Hop Pop jumped onto Sprig's back, making him struggle even more. "C'MON, BOY! IF YOU WANT TO WIN THAT TALENT SHOW YA GOTTA BE STRONGER THAN THAT!"
Clearing his throat, he turned to Jean. "Oh, why yes I think I have one in the basement somewhere. You might have to go look for it."
With that, he returned to yelling at poor Sprig, leaving Jean to walk away, concerned.

Walking down the stairs of the basement with Flossie right behind. They found Anne already sewing bits of cloth together. "Hey, Anne. Hop Pop said there might be a guitar down here. You seen one?" She asked. Without looking up, Anne pointed toward the stairs. "Under the stairs, there was one there. Have fun!" She waved. Thanking her, Jean and Flossie left the busy human.
"So...where are we gonna practise?" Flossie asked. Jean glanced around. Hop Pop was urging Sprig on in the lounge room, Anne was still in the basement, and Polly...was no where to be found.
"Well....I guess we could practise outside?" Jean suggested. Flossie nodded in agreement.


Hop Pop blew a whistle, coaching Sprig to run faster and faster.


Jean strummed a tune on the guitar, as Flossie sung some lyrics they made. As they played together, a bird flew by, swooping them. The girls screamed, rushing indoors to escape it.


Cracking a birds egg over a cup, Hop Pop slid the raw egg drink over to Sprig. Staring at it in disgust, he picked it up, taking a sip. He almost gagged at the taste. Hop Pop walked over, forcing Sprig to drink. "Come on, boy. Chug it!" He ordered.


Anne was almost finished sewing the costume. Holding up for inspection, she cringed. "Well, this is horrible." She grumbled. Scrunching the cloth up, she threw it into the fire.
Hop Pop was in the corner of the room with Sprig, facing a mirror. "Now to work on your stage faces. Happy cute! Sad cute! Jealous cute! I said jealous cute!"
Sprig stared up at his grandfather. "I don't even know what that looks like." He stuttered. The young frog let out a yelp when Hop Pop blew the whistle loudly.


Flossie and Jean were now practising in Polly's room. They had come a long way already, with Flossie memorising the lyrics and Jean playing the chords.
Pausing in her practise, Jean glanced down at her fingers. They were red with a few cuts, but nothing major. "Sheesh, I'm outa practise." She mumbled.
At that moment, Polly burst through the door. "You know you're getting charged by the hour, right? So pay up!" She hollered. Jean chuckled, reaching into her pocket and fished out some candy. "Good thing I saved these." She said.
Polly took them, and left the two alone.


Sprig is playing the fiddle, a rope tied around his waste. Hop Pop gave a thumbs up to Polly. Without hesitation, she kicked a ladybug, which had the other end of Sprig's rope attached to it. Rearing up, it took off into the sky, dragging a screaming Sprig behind it.


Hop Pop rode on Sprig's shoulders as the young frog played the fiddle, guiding him over logs to escape an angry beaver.


Dancing and playing the fiddle at the same time, Sprig performed in front of Anne and Polly. When he was finished, the two girls clapped.
Panting for breath, he grinned. "Well, how was that?" He asked. Anne grinned at the frog. "It was amazing, dude."
"You're gonna slay, brother!" Polly piped up. Hop Pop threw his clipboard down in anger. "You call that an act?" He cried. "I counted three whole mistakes, Sprig. Three!" He demonstrated by holding up three fingers. Sprig's shoulders sunk. "I mean, it doesn't have to be perfect, right?"
Hop Pop scoffed, crossing his arms. "It does if you wanna win. Now give me 50 laps!" He ordered.
Sprig stood his ground. "Hop Pop, this is crazy. I just want to have fun up there."
"Fun? Can you eat fun? Can you make a fun deposit into your fun savings? Is fun a beautiful mansion with a front gate shaped like a giant fiddle?" Before Sprig could question him, he blew his whistle. "Okay, okay. Fine, geez." Sprig gave in, picking up his fiddle and running around the giant tree. Hop Pop continued to blow his whistle.
Anne and Polly frowned, glancing to each other.

Amphibia x Oc: Soul Sisters (Season 1 & 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora