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Zayne POV

I woke up, barely remembering anything. Everything felt fuzzy in my head and my eye sight refused to focus. The air I was inhaling felt sedative but it also jerked me awake with every breath.

I stumbled and tripped while attempting to walk. Every time I blink, it gets dizzier and harder to continue. I did my best to look around with my now strained neck. How did my neck get hurt in such way?

I was in pitch blackness. My footsteps were white, where am I going anyway? I took a few more messy steps before I saw a white light. Is that a way to freedom from this cursed place?

I speeded up my limping and collapsed onto the floor because of the paining feeling I had in my legs. I used my hands to try and crawl forward, though I don't have enough upper body strength to pull my whole body. Even if I did have enough, the pain streaming through my body is too egregious to comply with my brain.

Wait, a miracle is happening! The light is getting closer! It's coming to me! Oh thank god, I was hoping not to be stuck in this place for any longer!

As the blinding light shone closer, I noticed it wasn't light, nor was it an escape route. It was just an excruciating memory that I can't seem to bury forever. It always comes back, no matter how deep I put it in my mind.

I feel my weight getting drained. What's happening, am I dying? It can't be, I can't die like this. I'm feeling, drowsy and tenuous again. I'll just close my eyes for just a few seconds. A tiny break from living and trying can't be that bad right?


"Hey everybody! Are we going out today? The weather is nice and imagine how it's gonna look in our hideout!" Kylie exclaimed happily through text.

"Yeah I'm down for that. For sure for sure," Jay agreed with no resistance.

"Me too, Zayne?" Rea asked, always remembering to not exclude me.

"I just ran out of medicine for my schizophrenia. It might be a little dangerous if I try leaving the house without taking it. I don't want to harm you guys while being inside an episode," I texted disappointedly.

"It's fine! We'll shake you right out of your episode before anything bad happens! C'mon Zayne! You'll be alright," Rea vowed.

"Hm, fine! Y'all are so pushy," I complained jokingly.

"Alright, 3 PM! See you guys soon!" Kylie planned as she sent a smiley face emoji.

The three of us gave her a thumbs up before I looked at the time. It was 2:30, thirty more minutes before I have to go meet them. I'm really worried something's gonna go wrong. I need to stay calm though.

Like always, I kept a pocket knife in my pocket at all times. It's legal to keep a small knife like mine near my area, so I keep it on me for defense. I hope nothing triggers an episode, I do have a knife on me so things might get messy.

Hm, I have a couple of minutes before I have to meet up with my friends. I guess I'll just catch up with the media for a bit.

I exited the messenger app in a hurry. I went over to my news app, nothing interesting seems to be happening. Just a bunch of politics and, wait what? Seems like not everything is boring, I found an article saying, "Small discovery that could turn big? New psychological illness discovered today."

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