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Zayne POV

I woke up with sweat dripping down my forehead. That dream was really weird. It felt awfully real, but it has to be a dream. That was the weirdest experience of my life.

I grabbed my phone off the small table next to me and looked at the time. 8:00 AM, a little later than when I usually wake up. I got up from my bed and I heard a ding from my phone.

"Hey I know we hung out yesterday but I'm feeling more energetic this summer! What do you say about going out to hangout with Kylie and Jay around 3 PM? It's been so long since we've went to that secret hangout place we had a couple years ago! We left it when all of us got busy, but now it's summer and I just remembered about it! What do you say?" Rea texted me. That hangout place, it has good and bad memories but why not?

"Yeah sure Rea! Are we meeting at the place?" I replied.

"Mhm. I contacted Jay and Kylie already. I can't wait! See ya there Zayne!" Rea sent.

I sent a happy emoji and then put down my phone. I have a lot of time to spare before 3 PM. Wonder what I should do today. I could go for some noodles right now.

I headed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth real quick and washed my face. I slid on some casual clothes and opened my front door. Today was extra hot for some reason. I'm going to become roasted human if I stay out for any longer than a few minutes! You know what, I'll just have to deal with it.

I slowly walked down the long sidewalk with the sun beaming down on me. This is like torture but it's gonna be so worth it. There's a small noodle shop that isn't really popular but it's so amazing. I'm kind of happy it's not that popular, I get to order almost instantly because of that. I'm pretty good friends with the owner too! Unfortunately, I stopped coming for a week now because I didn't want to leave my house. Rea started to help me get out more. Lets just say it's definitely working.

I came to a stop at the entrance of the restaurant. I haven't been here in so long! I walked through the curtains and a cool breeze hit my face. Holy crap this is so much better than outside.

"Zayne! Ah my favorite customer! I haven't seen you in so long!" a person said behind me, I recognize this voice!

"Eden! I'm sorry I haven't been coming here often! I was too lazy to leave my apartment. Can I just get my usual?" I laughed.

"Of course! Chicken noodle soup yes?" Eden smiled.

"Mhm, good to know you remembered!" I teased him, we got a good laugh out of that. I reached into my pocket to pull out my wallet but then I realized, I left it at home.

"Eden, I'm sorry I don't have my wallet. I'll go get it and come right back! Sit tight!" I apologized and started to run towards the exit but Eden grabbed my hand.

"Nah it's fine Zayne! I'm just happy you're here. It's on the house this time! Just sit down by a table," he shooed.

"Are you sure Eden? It's fine really! I'll just run and come back!" I assured.

"No no, don't run in this hot day. It's burning out there, stay in for some noodles Zayne. I'll be out in a bit with your bowl," he restated. This is why he's the best shop owner ever.

"Thanks Eden!" I thanked and went to sit at the table in the corner.

I daydreamed while looking out the window. I still can't get over that dream. It was oddly eerie for some reason. Agh whatever, I shouldn't be worrying about that right now.

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