Hypersomnia or Insomnia?

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Zayne POV

Futerphrenia, a branch of schizophrenia huh? The way Dr. Coast explained the symptoms, everything makes sense now! I've had visions of Maxi being hurt to a tremendous level, and it's because I don't want Maxi hurt!

I wonder when I'll be discharged from the hospital. I only passed out, I shouldn't have to be here for long. Peering through the window, it looked like it was sundown.

"Hello, Zayne? You're free to leave the hospital at anytime now. Unless you're feeling any major headaches or worrisome pains then you are discharged," one of the nurses said from outside the room.

"Alright, thanks!" I said as I slowly got out of the soft hospital bed.

I was wearing a hospital gown and that's probably not appropriate to wear outside in public. I went into the closet of my room and my clothes were in a plastic bag.

I changed into my clothes and then I folded the hospital gown to leave in the closet. I made the bed and I left the room, looking for Rea and the others.

"Hey, do you know where the people who visited my room earlier went?" I asked nicely to the nurse that came into my room earlier.

"Oh yeah, they told me to tell you that they're going to be at the lobby. You'll see them at the entrance to the hospital," the nurse smiled.

"Got it, thanks for everything!" I thanked one last time before speeding off to the lobby.

I walked down the long but busy hallway of the hospital. There was nurses walking around with patients and carts with different tools. The smell of a hospital is so...what's the word? Minty? Fresh? I don't know, but it's so relaxing. Makes me feel at ease.

I eventually reached the lobby, crowded like I expected. I looked for the entrance and I saw Rea and the other leaning by the wall. I ran over to them, even though my head still hurts a little.

"Hey guys!" I waved happily.

"Zayne! I thought you would've rested a bit more but I guess not! Are you sure you're feeling alright? You can rest a bit more if you want, we have all day to wait," Kylie hugged me excitedly but without putting too much weight on me.

"I'm fine now Kylie, thanks for waiting guys!" I said as I hugged Kylie back.

"So, that psychiatrist visit. Anything bad happened?" Jay asked as Kylie released me from her grip.

"He said some pretty important things. Things that I don't want to discuss in public or in such a crowded place. How about we go out for dinner today? I'll tell you guys everything," I recommended.

"Sure, where do you guys want to go? I'm kind of in the mood for some seafood," Rea yawned.

"Same, I know a seafood place that just opened a little bit downtown. It's pretty fancy too," Kylie offered.

"Bet, lead the way," Jay agreed.

We all left the hospital and Kylie started to show us the way to the restaurant. I'm not the biggest fan of seafood but since everyone else wants to eat it, why not?

We eventually arrived at the place and we stared at the flashy entrance. A big sign saying "grand opening" and other signs showing off deals and coupons. A few pictures of very rich looking lobsters and crabs and your usual seafood cuisine.

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