Dream or Reality?

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Zayne POV

I woke up on my bed, absolutely submerged in me own sweat. Seems like I did fall asleep, out of my will of course. I should be dreaming now then, something's off though.

Everything feels more real that usual. My normal dreams felt real yes, but something about this doesn't feel right.

I never went through that white interface, I wasn't falling from the sky, and there's no flower patch that I'm supposed to land on. What's going on? This isn't normal, I need to see what went wrong here.

I left my apartment instantly since I was already in outside clothes. I looked around, nothing out of the ordinary, though "ordinary" is actually a bad thing in this situation. I need something, peculiar to observe.

I got it, I should search for the flower patch first. It was near the edge of the city, almost opposite from where I am currently. This is gonna be a long journey, it's times like these I wish I listened to my parents when they were talking about me getting a driver's license.

Well actually, I only didn't listen to them because of how I actually didn't need it. All my important stores was on campus so there wasn't a need for a car. I wasn't planning on traveling anywhere far so what's the point?

Oh well, the past is the past. My goal right now is to find the edge of the city. Gps should help with that.

Once I got off campus, I completely lost it. My sense of direction started to get blurry even with gps giving me directions. There's so many paths, so many streets, so many ways.

I kept trying to not get too disoriented from the frequent turns. As I started to finally reach my destination, I felt an uneasy but familiar presence. Though now I am officially in the field of grass, I could see the flower patch. So this is a dream, good to know.

"Hey Yanze! Pom is here to deliver your quest for today!" that off putting but cheerful voice made my body tremble in horror.

I felt my heartbeat increase almost instantly. A bone chilling gale blew my soul out of my body. Following that, was a long and slow zephyr.

"Hey! I said Pom has arrived! Don't ignore your taskmaster!" Pom's euphoric voice warned.

"Alright alright, what the hell do you want from me?" I turned around to look at the pixie but something was off again.

Pom was usually blue, though this time it was completely black with a red aura glowing around it. Something about the change of colors made me think that Pom was even more full of malice now.

"Your quest? Oh, it's to eliminate Maxi!" Pom announced graciously, no reaction from Pom whatsoever.

"Pardon? I surely must've heard that wrong," I couldn't bring myself to believe such absurdities.

"You heard what I said user Yanze! Go kill Maxi or you're not leaving this dream!" Pom commanded harshly, it's voice turning aggressive almost.

"N-No, it can't be! I can't do that! That's something I absolutely will not commit!" I rebelled against it's words.

"Let's be honest here Yanze, you've already committed murder against Maxi's brother. There's no atoning for that. You always say that you won't do something as cruel as the tasks I give you but do you really ever rebel in the end? You're selfish and egocentric, you'll do anything if it means escaping your own problems. That's right, I know you'll kill him in the end anyway. You always lose, you'll never win," Pom aggravated, it's voice suddenly sounding like the voice in my head from my schizophrenic episodes.

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