Bloodied Hands

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Yanze POV

God fucking damn it, I'm at the interface again. Can I wake up before I enter as Yanze again? I should try that. I pinched my arm as painfully as I could but I only harmed myself.

"User Yanze, I suggest you not to try that again. Trying to break the unwritten rules of this place will only worsen your fate. Please continue your journey without anymore resistance. I expect to see changes immediately," a voice rang through the white interface.

"U-Uh, sorry I'll be on my way," I emptily apologized as I pressed the button that'll drop me
to the dream world again.

Like usual, the white space vaporized and I started to fall through the air. While I was falling, I noticed that everyday the weather here was getting worse. It was sunny at the first day but now I'm amidst a tempest.

I hit the flower bed but now they're all dead. Can I even call it a flower bed anymore? It just looks like grass at this point. Sigh, Pom please give me an easy task!

"Welcome user Yanze! Today's weather is a little rowdy and discomforting but I think it gives the perfect vibe to your quest for today!" Pom
happily chimed as rain hit the grass.

"Well, what's the quest?" I nervously asked, the raindrops impact pain was equivalent to bullets.

"Kill a civilian," Pom glistened.

The wind blew harder into my face. Thunder was striking, so loud I could barely hear my thoughts. I have to commit a crime? Not just any crime, murder.

"W-What?! You're lying! I can't kill someone!" I protested at the thought of taking someone's life.

"I said what I said user Yanze! Do it or else you're stuck here forever! It's just a dream anyway!" Pom's glow flickered amidst the rain.

"Even so! I wouldn't be able to live with myself in the real world if I killed anyone! Even in dreams!" I attempted to deny Pom's request but it didn't think twice to shut me down.

"Hey, if you resist one more time, you'll be in deep trouble. Not listening to Pom is breaking a rule of the unwritten rules of this place!" Pom rebutted.

"O-Okay okay! I'll do it just leave me the hell alone!" I ululated.

Pom's shine soon died down and Pom was gone. I was left in the tempest with winds that could take away my breath. The rain crashed down like huge boulders. Each raindrop that hit me felt like a rock.

Sigh, I shouldn't have caught myself into this mess. Do I have to get away with the murder, or do I just have to kill someone and go to sleep? Well, this is basically real life but getting away with murder is near impossible!

How can I bring myself to do this? Should I just stay in this dream forever? No, I can't do that. I still have goals to achieve in real life, this is just a dream anyway. Killing someone here won't affect the real world!

After reassuring myself, I hustled down the slippery stone walkway. What's the easiest type of murder to get away with? Stabbing? Shooting? Pushing someone off a ledge? Damn! I don't want to think about these things!

Who would be the easiest target to kill I wonder. I think I'll lead someone to an alleyway and stab them. That'd be the easiest way right? Nobody would usually go into an alleyway, I think that's the best court of action.

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