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Zayne POV

I awoke in my bed again, thank god I did. 6 AM, I'm awaking later and later these days. Ever since I started having those peculiar dreams. Sigh, I know I shouldn't worry over this but I should get ahold of myself.

More importantly, Maxi's breakthrough while I was at his house. A creepy pasta caller Alter Ego, matching up perfectly with what I'm going through. Is it a coincidence or should I be concerned? I need more research on this, unless I'm the only one suffering this fate.

I can't do any research in my apartment, the wifi here really isn't the best. I might take my laptop with me to the library in the city. The library has a silent area and I might find some useful books. I grabbed a small backpack and fit my laptop into it.

I did my morning routine as soon as possible and went out the door. Rea and the others haven't texted me ant plans yet, I think I'm gonna get a quick breakfast before anything. Eden's noodle place isn'y opened at this time, but I know he usually let's me in early. Maybe 6:00 AM won't be too early for him? He opens at 7, I think I'll be good.

Today's not too hot, at least not as hot as yesterday. I checked my pockets, making sure I brought my wallet with me this time. It'd be embarrassing if I went over and I had no money again.

I arrived at Eden's shop and went through the curtains. It said outside that it was closed but he let's his regulars in early usually. I looked around before calling his name.

"Eden! I'm here early, hope you don't mind!" I greeted as I saw him peek his head from the kitchen.

"It's a little early! I'm still firing up the equipment, you might have to wait a bit if you want your food!" Eden scratched his head.

"No worries! I was honestly hoping I could seek refuge here from the outside for now. I'm contemplating some things but my apartment didn't have the right vibe. I was hoping to have a quick breakfast here," I explained.

"Come into the kitchen! Tell me about it," Eden offered.

"Are you sure? Isn't that against some unwritten rule?" I chuckled.

"Don't worry about it. Just don't touch anything like the food or equipment and you're fine," Eden reassured.

I then went on telling Eden what's been going on with my life. More importantly, what I've been confused and concerned about. My dreams, he seemed to be more understanding than confused.

"Hm, sounds like a creepy pasta called Alter Ego. I've heard of it somewhere but I don't think it's real," Eden added.

"Wait, so it's actually a real thing? Like Alter Ego is a real creepy pasta on the internet?" I questioned, so it wasn't a made up thing in my dreams.

"Indeed it is, and it's a pretty popular one. I haven't met one person who didn't know about it. Seems like you're a little skeptical about it which I totally understand," Eden smirked.

"You don't think this creepy pasta is actually happening to me right? It's already been two dreams, I'm really worried," I sighed.

"Like I said before, I don't think it's real. Your situation is rather purely coincidental or it could be destined. Have I told you that I've had one of these dreams?" Eden admitted.

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