Amputee Q& A :)

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Hey guys today on this chapter I will be asking questions what you guys always ask me . And this will be like a Amputee Handbook .

Q - can you take a shower and can you swim ?

A - yes my leg its a c-leg so that means it's a computerized leg so I do have to take of my leg but there are many different kinds of legs for amputees .

Q- do you sleep with it ?

A - nope it's really depending were I am if I just made a new friend and if he ask me to sleep over I will just keep my leg .

Q- can you still participate in gym class

A - Yes I'm more than welcome to still participate in gym class there was this one time in third grade my gym teacher never wanted me to participate in gym I would always go to the library and cry and read my manga books .
Q- do people treat you differently? .

A - I would say ... When I was little my classmates treated me differently because they never ask me or treat me with respect to treat me like a human being but now All my Friends and Teachers treat me with respect .

Q- Do you have any dreams in the future to come ?

A- Yes my dream is to become an actor , singer, have my own rehabilitation center to help other people with the same illness that I went through And also I want to be a model . And to have my own skin care line .

Amputee Story By : KeithParrisWhere stories live. Discover now