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Mia's POV

I woke up in Teddy's arm's.This is my happy place.My safe space.I felt Teddy playing with my hair"Morning Princess.You will be able to leave today"Teddy said and she kissed the top of my head.Which made my heart whole"Yay"I said and i just sighed"You okay?"Teddy asked as held me close"I don't know what i feel."I said and Teddy nodded"I understand"Teddy said.I just looked up at her.She looked down at me and put a strand of my hair behind my ear.I just smiled and kissed her"I should get ready to leave"I said and Teddy nodded"And i am gonna help you"Teddy said and Teddy stood up first and then i stood up and i nearly fell down but Teddy caught me"You okay?"Teddy asked me and i nodded"Yeah just forgot how to walk for a second"I said while Teddy helped me to stand up straight and then i started to pack and Teddy helped me.

Once i signed the papers me and Teddy left the hospital and Teddy drove us to my house.Once we got there i was about to take my bag's but Teddy took them"No you are suppose to rest"Teddy said and i just smiled"Teddy come on"I said"No"Teddy said and i just rolled my eye's"Fine"I said and i opened the door.Then we came in and we went into the living room"So you are not suppose to operate for atleast 3 week's"Teddy said and i nodded"I know"I said and i sat down on the couch and Teddy sat down next to me"I want to tell you something"I said and I looked at Teddy"Just please don't judge me.This might make you want to leave...But i want you to know"I said and looked down"Mia what's going on?"Teddy said while she put her hand on top of mine and i took a deep breath"I was married for...3 years"I said and looked down.I already had a knot in my stomach just thinking about him.I felt Teddy intertwining our finger's.I just took a deep breath"Me and him have been together since high school"I said"He was such a kind man...He was nice to everyone...Supported everyone"I said with tears"Once we got married something happened and he became really different"I said and i looked at Teddy"He started to go out in the middle of the night, come home drunk. He didn't do much at first but then there came the shouting, yelling"I said with my voice cracking and tears in my eye's".But then one night i told him that i wanted to have a baby and he hit me....For the first time"I said with tears and i looked at Teddy and she looked so sad and she had tears in her eye's"Everything got worse.One time Meredith walked in on Him raping me"I choked out"Omg Mia"Teddy said.She put her hand on my back"She called the police on him..."I said and i took a deep breath"He came back and he started to work in the hospital and once Meredith saw him in the hospital she was ready to kill him"I said with tears going down my cheek's and Teddy whipped them away"Then he asked me to go with him somewhere and it was just so he could beat me up. I was his personal punching bag"I choked out"The day after that i met Callie.And we were having lunch together.When he asked me to go somewhere with him and and she figured out.She helped me stay alive.She gave me hope and support."I said with tears

"I said with tears

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"But one day.Callie, Webber, Bailey ,Hunt, Mark and my crush...Her name was Addison. They came in and they saw me on the floor with him beating me up and...I was so close to dying that they didn't think i would wake up.I was in a coma for 4 months"I said"That's what happened the last time i was in a hospital bed. He is in jail now"I said"Mia i don't know what to say"Teddy said and i nodded"No one knows this much of the story not even Callie and Meredith"I said"Thank you for telling me"Teddy said and she hugged me and i put my head on her shoulder"I didn't smile after that ... But you just brang my happiness and safty back"I said and Teddy kissed the top of my head. 

Then the door opened and we saw Meredith,Cristina and Lexie coming in"Oh we can go"Meredith said"Oh no it's fine...I have to go to get some call's"Teddy said"You okay with that?"Teddy asked me and i nodded"Of course"I said and i smiled and Teddy kissed me and i kissed her back"See you later"I said"See you later"Teddy said and she got her purse and she left and Lexie sat down next to me"So what were you two talking about?"Cristina said"I told her"I said"About you know who?"Meredith asked and i nodded"Omg i am so proud of you"Meredith said and she hugged me and i smiled"Thank you.It was hard but she was really supportive"I said"She better be"Cristina said"Wait what are we talking about?"Lexie asked"Meredith can you tell her i have to go to the toilet"I said and Meredith nodded and i went upstairs carefully.I just sat on the floor.I can't tell this to Lexie she is my baby sister.I just made sure that the bathroom was locked and i just took a deep breath.I just splashed my face with some cold water and then i went back downstairs and right away i was brought into a hug but that kind of scared me so i flinched at first but then i realised that it was Lexie so i hugged her back."Lexie be careful"I heard Meredith say"I am so sorry for what happened"Lexie said"It's fine"I said.

After sometime we were watching movie's and talking.I saw my phone ringing.I looked and i saw that it was Addison"Omg"I whispered"What is it?"Meredith asked me and i showed her who was calling"Should i answer it?"I asked"That is your choice"Meredith said and i nodded.I took a deep breath and i answered it"Hello?"I said"Mia thank you for answering"I heard Addison say"What do you want?"I asked"I have missed you"Addison said"Addison"I said"Please just listen"She said"Fine"I said"I am sorry about what happened...I really like you.I want to try.You and me"Addison said.I got up and i went upstairs to my room"Addison i can't"I said"Let's just try please i beg you"Addison said"Addison i have a girlfriend"I said"Oh"I heard Addison say"Are you happy with her?"Addison asked"She make's me feel safe.And i think i love her"I said"Did i ever make you feel that way?"Addison asked"You did"I whispered"I am always here for you Mia just know that"Addison said and she hang up.I just took a bath and then i changed into my pj's and i just layed on the bed and cuddled up to the pillow that smelled like Teddy and i went to sleep right away.

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