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Mia's POV

It has been a month.Me and Callie are really close.She is my person and she is the only one who knows about Mike still. Dr. Burke left, so we have a new trauma surgeon,I think his name is Owen Hunt. George is dead. Izzie Left . Callie is the only one who is keeping me alive right now from killing myself. Addison and i have been talking quite a lot now, but i am gonna try to ask her out today. Once i got to the hospital.I saw that i didn't have anything to do yet so i went into the on call room and then i just layed on the bed.I heard the door opening and i saw that it was Mike and he got closer to me"Get away from me"I choked out and he took my arm and he pulled me down on the floor"You little slut"He said as he was beating me up and stumping on my ribs and i screamed for help but that made him get him more enrange and then i just closed my eye's.Then i didn't feel anything but i heard the door opening.

Callie's POV

I heard Mia's voice shouting for help. This must be really bad .I looked at Bailey, Webber, Owen, Addison ,Mark and we all just runned to where we heard the noise and then once we got in and then we saw Mia unconscious and she was bleeding from her mouth and we saw Mike beating her up"Get the fuck away from her"I said and i pushed Mike and i hit him a lot of times.Mike pushed me away from him and Mark got Mike out .I looked at Addison, and she was crying.I went up to Mia, and i saw that she barely had a pulse ."We have to get her to an OR,"I said. I looked at everyone, and everyone nodded apart from Addison. I saw her looking at Mia. Looking as she was about to break down crying."Let's go,"Bailey said, and as we were leaving, i put my hand on Addison's shoulder, and that seemed to bring her back.Addison just took Mia's hand "Mia you are gonna be okay. You have to be, " Addison choked out.

Addison's POV

Once we got into the room, everything stopped. Then i felt people moving. I just took Mia's hand, and i went with Bailey, Callie, Owen, and Webber "Mia you are gonna be okay. You have to be, " I choked out."Okay Addison, you can't come with us any longer, " Webber said."Callie can go with you?" I asked."We might need her, " Bailey said, and i just nodded, and i saw some other people walking there. I saw Derek. He went in there. I just paged Meredith, and i just sat on the floor and started to cry "Addison what's going on?" I heard Meredith's voice."Mia... " I choked out "Addison what happened?" Meredith asked. She just sat next to me and she put her hand on my shoulder "Me, Mark, Bailey, Hunt, Callie and Webber found Mike beating Mia up" I choked out "Not this again" Meredith choked out. I just looked at her. "What do you mean?" I asked."Mike was Mia's husband he was really abusive, and he nearly killed her. I called the police on him, and he has been in prison for 3 years. I think he should of been put for at least 20" Meredith said with tears and i just put my head down and i pulled my legs to my chest and i started to cry "One day i saw Mia going into the on-call room and i saw that she didn't come out for a long time so i went to check on her and she locked the door and when she talked to me she sound scared and like she was crying.I heard someone else in there with her and it sounded like Mike" I choked out. I saw Mark coming here and he sat down next to me. "How is she?" Mark asked."We don't know, " Meredith said. I just started to cry "It will be okay" I heard Mark say and i felt his hand on my shoulder "I can't live without her anymore" I choked out and i started to shake but i couldn't stop.

After 2 hours of crying, i heard the door opening. Mark was standing, walking around. Meredith was sitting on a chair, and i was still sitting on the floor and i saw Callie coming out with tears, and she sat down next to me. "What's going on? Why are you crying? IS MIA DEAD?" Meredith choked out."Bailey told me to get out because i was getting to emotional, and -M-Mia was ... She might not make it through this" Callie choked out and i hugged her and we hugged each other "I can't lose her ...She is my person, She's my best friend" Callie choked out "She will be okay. She has come too far to die like this, " Mark said .

After about 8 hours, Bailey came out. Callie, Mark, and Meredith went up to her. I couldn't move. "Is she okay?" Callie asked."She is alive for now, " Bailey said."For now?" I choked out."We aren't sure if she is gonna wake up, " Bailey said. After Bailey told us everything that happened in the surgery .Then we went to visit Mia. Meredith and Callie sat at both edge's of Mia's bed and I just sat on the chair next to the bed and i put my head in my hand's "She will wake up some day" Meredith said. I just looked up at Mia. "She has to," Callie said. After sometime it was getting really dark so i told everyone to go home and i will stay with Mia ...Once they all have left i took Mia's hand and i kissed the top of her hand "I love you Mia" I said and i kissed the top of Mia's head. Once i pulled away, i sat back down on the chair, and i saw Derek coming in. "How is she?" Derek asked."She is stable, " I said."You coming home?" Derek asked, and i shocked my head."Me, Callie and Meredith will take turns in staying with Mia. I am the first night then it's Callie and then it's Meredith" I said and Derek nodded "I didn't know that you and Mia are this close"Derek said "Well we are" I said and Derek left "I will tell him later. I promise you that i will tell him how much i like you. How much i just want to hold you in my arm's, I want to be able to kiss you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you" I said with tears in my eye's"I want to be able to call you mine" I said with tears in my eye's and then there was a knock on the door and i looked. It was Callie so i just whipped my tears away quickly "I just wanted to check on her" Callie said and i nodded "Of course" I said and Callie went to the other side of Mia "Do you want to know something?" Callie asked me, and i nodded."Mia can't stop talking about you.  It is cute, but it kind of gets really annoying sometimes, " Callie said, and i smiled."Really?" I asked, and Callie nodded "Yes you mean a lot to her, " She said, and i felt a warm feeling in my heart, and i took Mia's hand "Okay i can go now Good night. See you tomorrow. It is gonna be my turn, " Callie said, and i nodded and smiled. I just lay down on the bed, and i took a blanket, and i put it on me, and then i went to sleep. I have no idea how to tell Derek how i feel. I know i have to do it.

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