Trapped in Love. ♥ (Liam Payne fan fiction)

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He giggles when he hear the song. I feel a bit shy. So I just looked down on my feet. 

"Shy? You don't need to be." Liam said. Is my actions really that easy to read?! 

"Uh. I don't know how I look like now. I think I'm so haggard because we ran. And I don't know what's going on your mind, maybe you'll think I'm ugly." I whisper. It's true. 

"You're cute." I was shocked when he said those words that's why I look at him. He just look away. "I m-mean, it's cute." He corrects. 

"What?" I asked.

"Hm, uh.. t-those.. uh.. hmm.. T-that!" Liam said then he pointed on something. I look at those.

"Aw. It look so cute." I said. I smiled and look at the cute puppy Liam pointed. The puppy is with the owner. I think the owner is giving the puppy a walk. When they already passed, I look again at Liam. I caught him looking at me that's why I smiled. 

He move closer to me, and he removed my shades. He look directly in my eye. 

"You have a beautiful black eyes." He told. I felt my cheeks heated up. Hope he didn't notice I blushed. I look away because I don't think I can take this anymore. I might hyperventilate. 

When I looked away, I notice a building. It looks like our flat-- OH MY GOD! I forgot I still need to go home to get Penpen's bag. Liam maybe notices my face changed that's why he asked. 

"Why?" Liam asked.

"I forgot, I still need to go back to our flat to get my niece's bag. Sorry. I gotta go." I told him. 

"Uh? Okay. Hope we see again." He said. 

"I hope too." I said. 

"And if that happens, I'll buy you a new chocolate shake. Remember? You drop it because of me." He said. I smiled. 

"No, it's not your fault. And it's also okay. It's only a shake." I said. 

"I insist." He said. I smiled again. 

"Fine. Bye." I said. And then, I started running as quick as I can. 

I don't know if it's my imagination or he really shouted something like 'what's your name?'. I shrugged to stop my thoughts. Stop it Kai! That is LIAM PAYNE. The 1/5 of One Direction! As if he's going to ask you your name. You're not pretty as those models getting linked at him. Stop your thoughts! 

As usual, when I reached Lea's diner, my sister scolded me. She asks why did I take almost half an hour just to get my niece's bag. I just said that there's a paparazzi chasing me. She just rolls her eyes. I know she wants to tell me, 'Kai, stop assuming. You wouldn't be a superstar.' She know I wouldn't tell the reason why it took me 30 minutes. 

After eating at the diner, we already went home. When we got home, I opened our Mac and started opening my social networking sites. I opened these apps called Twitter and Tumblr. I will change my default picture in Twitter with the nice picture I shot awhile ago at the diner.  When it's already my default picture. I started tweeting. I check first my mentions. 

'Andrew Tan

@kairaconner Kaira Conner, why u ain't tweeting me?' 

Oh. It's my bestfriend, Andrew Tan who tweeted me. I replied. 

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