Allison stared back with shock "oh you wanna play that game?" She asked

"I think I do" Alex nodded

Allison didn't respond, she grabbed a pillow and threw it at me, fortunately Alex grabbed it before it could hit her face. She tossed it back harshly and it hit her sisters face, Allison stumbled and tripped off the bed.

Alex gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth as the shock ripped through her. She walked over to Allison who now laid on the ground "are you okay?" She asked

Allison groaned a little "yeah I'm good"

Alex laughed loudly "okay good"

She felt her legs go from under her, she landed with a thud beside Allison who was now laughing at Alex.

Both girls looked at each other and burst into fits of laughter, feeling as if they'd never catch their breath.

Chris had came hurrying when heard a second thud and a short silence, once the laughter had started up again he had managed to sneak in without his daughter's noticing, bringing his phone along

The white flash shone in Both girls eyes for a few seconds, they both looked up as seen their dad stood above them with his phone, smiling as he accomplished his mini mission

Alex smiled a little and wiped a tear from her face, she looked at the picture and for the first time in months she wasn't instantly brought back to that harrowing night.

Then she felt it for the first time in months... The urge to write, she ran into her room and grabbed the note book on her desk and began to write, she wrote sentences and sentences, filling up the page with words forming stories from the last month and for once she didn't feel like combusting into tears, she turned the page over and continued to scribbled words down the second page.

Stiles walked towards his girlfriends room, looking in he seen her hand move rapidly across the page.

He smiled softly, happy to see her connecting with the thing she loved the most "hey"

Alex looked up from her notebook "I'm finally writing" she beamed "it's feels so good"

"Dedicate your first book to me?" He asked

Alex looked at him confused "what?"

"Your first book" he replied "will you dedicate it to me?" He asked

Alex stood from her bed, walking to her boyfriend she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, smiling at him with bright eyes "did I ever mention how much I love you?"

He hummed, thinking "you know I don't think so"

Alex looked at him, leaning in she kissed him softly, Leaning into his ear  "well I love you very much"

"Mhm" he hummed

Alex looked at her watch. She gasped, "would you look at that? we have time to spare"

He raised a brow "oh do we?

He picked Alex up, causing her to burst into a fit of giggle as he carried her to the bed that stood only a few feet away.

He dropped her on the bed and she pushed off all the leftovers clothes and other junk from packing. She looked up at him and smiled, feeling his lips connected with his.

She stopped kissing him for a moment, stiles looked down at her with a slight concern.

Alex looked into his beautiful brown eyes and swore she felt herself fall in love al over again, wondering how she was so blessed with possibly the best person in the world

She knew there would still he hard days but today was the first truly good one she'd had in weeks and it was thanks to him. Regardless of the fact that his best friend has been taken, he had spent that night talking her off the edge. He spent the night just being there and loving her and Alex couldn't have asked for a better person to that.

Things would still be hard but she knew she had her brown eyed boy to help her along the way and that was assurance enough

"For now and for always?" She asked

Stiles nodded "for now and for literally always" he kissed her


I know it's not much but I just wanted to write a nice little closing chapter. 

I'm SO excited for season 5, I really don't think you guys are ready for the twist and turns that are gonna pop up. I already have most of it written but it does need a lot of proof reading and editing so I'll have that to do.

I'll admit, season 4 wasn't my favorite season to write but nonetheless I still enjoyed it, but at some parts I really procrastinated lol.

I hope you guys enjoyed this book, I hope to have the first chapter of the best one published soon.

Love youuuu

𝙑𝘼𝙇𝙐𝙀𝘿 // 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙠𝙞Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora