Chapter 10

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"I'm Adam." He replied.
"As in Adam and Eve?"
"I think it's about time you leave."
"You're not even interested in what I have to offer?"
"Not even slightly." Hyun said waving the guards over.
"She's beautiful isn't she? Nuria."
"Don't talk about my wife."
"I know, she's intoxicating isn't she? Her beauty. She's strong willed, hard headed and stubborn. I know, I was with her mother, but that's not what you want. No man truly wants and independent woman. You want a woman that'll spin her world around you. Make you dinner, take care of the house and kids. Not a woman who thinks she can rule Kingdoms and demands respect."
"Maybe that's what you want, but you know nothing about me."
"Get out Adam." I said walking down the stairs.
"Speak of the Devil." Adam said.
"Stay away from Hyun."
"Relax, I'm not going to hurt Hyun, not unless he gets in my way. I'm just here to offer him a better life. One with a better woman."
"You mean a weaker woman." I said.
"Well unfortunately for you Adam I'm secure in my own masculinity. I don't need a submissive woman to make me feel like a man." Hyun added and the guards walked Adam out.
"Don't mind anything he said. There's no one better than you. There's no one I'd rather be with." Hyun said taking hold of my hands.
"Let's take Kenna for a ride." He said taking my hand and leading me to Kenna's room.
I don't know, there's just something about being in the air that has a sort of tranquility for me. It just feels like everything else is so far away. Hyun kissed the back of my shoulder before he rested his chin on it.

In the weeks that passed I felt in complete euphoria. Ares didn't come around as much as he used to but that was the only thing that was a bit off. Everyone had come home today and we all sat around the dinner table, Brian and Ariel included and even though Ares had been a bit off he was there too. We all sat at our usual seats. The dining room table was full of chatter as usual, sharing stories of whatever came to mind. They say you never really realize how much you miss people until they're not around but I realized it then. Seeing my brothers and sisters a long side my parents, husband and friends brought a sort of sensation of warmth through my body. A deep inner contentment. But as the saying goes "all good things must come to an end."

Adam and Eve burst through the dinning room doors hand in hand. So cheesy I almost rolled my eyes.
"A feast for sinners." Eve said.
"If you're going to make a grand entrance at least use your own line." I replied.
"You know Nuria, you've got quite the mouth on you, but don't worry, we'll fix that." Eve growled.
"Lilith." Adam said.
"Leave." My mother replied. Her voice was calm and at ease. My mother and father are two very different people. Although my mother seems sweet and harmless I would fear her more than I would my father. Lucifer's anger is hot, it's a raging fire of destruction. It's careless and reckless. Lilith's anger on the other hand is calm, it doesn't make a sound. It stings, it's meticulously planned out. Which is far more dangerous.
My mother stood up, and walked towards Adam and Eve. She circled around them like a blood hungry shark. Adam clicked his fingers and an army entered the doors. An army of vicious savage animals. An army larger in size than the one Eve had arrived with.
"Kill them. All of them." Adam said and the animals  charged towards us. Everyone ran back leaving my parents, my siblings and I standing before the beasts. Hyun stood by my side.
But as soon as they came close the biggest one stood before my mother. It's mouth filled with foaming vang like teeth, eyes an angry blood red giving a hungry growl. Then something changed. The creature bowed its head allowing my mother to ruffle its fur.
"Have you forgotten Adam that I too can command animals? That I was always the better one between us too. While you had to use words and songs to gain they're trust they came to me willingly. How mad it made you that I, a woman, was more powerful than you. My mother began to walk towards Adam. The creature circled behind her and she walked towards Adam by her side.
"What type of man is as weak as you are? So weak he couldn't handle a real woman. But alas these things are all from another time and it and you are beneath me." My mother added turning in her heel but Adam grabbed her by the hair. I knew perfectly well that my mother could handle the situation on her own maybe even better than me but anger began to boil up inside me. Mother grabbed his hand and flung him onto the floor right in front of her and while all of this happened no one even noticed that Eve moved. She screamed at a loud, echoing frequency, everyone fell to the ground, blood running down their ears. Hyun, Brian, Ares, Ariel and my siblings' spouses all began to cough up blood. This got me really angry. I pushed myself up from the floor.
"What's the matter Nuria? Are you angry?" Eve taunted me as an ice cold smile danced in her face.
"You are starting to get on my nerves. I've given you chances Eve, I really have. I haven't hunted you down, but you see now Eve, you've crossed the line too many times. I don't take lightly to crimes committed against me or my family."
"Nice speech. Would you like an applause?"
"Bad move." Wrath said and my body lit on fire. More do than the last time. My dress no more than ashes in the ground I stood clothed in fire.
"You'll never kill me. I look too much like your mother." Eve said as I neared towards her. The fire leaving ash marks on the floor with each step I took towards her. My eyes were pitch black, no life, no heart, no soul begging them. My hair began fire itself floating around me. Slowly I elevated into the air.
"Is that a challenge?" I asked. My voice sounded as though it came from the depths of hell, the demons began to tremble and formed a formation behind me.
"It's a fact." Eve responded. Her voice now uneasy and and anxious. Adam ran to her rescue pushing her behind him. I laughed.
"You think you can stand against me?" I asked cocking my head to the side my voice growling even deeper. Hyun grew spiky vines from the ground that circled around them chaining them down. Then they pulled back yanking them both to the other side of the room. Hyun stopped and gave them a breather. Blood slowly seeped out their legs. They struggled back to their feet. Hyun gave me a nod to let me know he'd handle Adam and Eve was all mine.
"You're yet to see what I'm capable of." I said snakes leaking from my eyes to the ground. Slithering you Eve's body wrapping tightly around her. The more she struggled the tighter they squeezed. I came down onto the ground looking her up and down as I circled around her.
"Stop squirming, you're only making it worse." I said and there was the sound of a snap. Her femur broke in half a shard of the bone stuck out her thigh.
"Still don't think I'll kill you?" I whispered into her ear. I was about to finish her off when someone said: "Yes. You're not going to kill her." Hyun said running your towards me. Adam lay incapacitated on the other said of the room covered in red spots that seemed to be from poison ivy.
"Stop. Don't lose your humanity." Hyun said.
"Get out of my way Hyun." I replied and he took a step closer to me and I stepped back.
"Are you trying to get yourself fried to death?" Brian asked.
"Let me in." Hyun said to me reaching out for my hand.
"Stop, it'll kill you." Ares said.
"Trust me man, that shit hurts. Ask gluttony what happened when he took her lunch." Greed said.
"She's too hot." Father said.
"She couldn't cool down if she wanted to. She'll kill you." Mother added.
"Listen to them Hyun. I don't want to hurt you." I responded
"Then don't." He replied gripping me by the waist and pulling me in. The flame engulfed him instantly but oddly enough it didn't kill him. He didn't even have to much as a burn. The fire revolves around us like a vortex.
"This isn't you." He said to me.
"Of course it is. We may play happy family but at the end of the day we can't forget that I'm a monster."
"You're not a monster. Let me help you, let me see what you've gone through."
"You don't want to see that." All the while in this conversation my voice was still a demonic tone and my eyes still black. When I noticed I looked away.
"Show me your eyes."
"Hyun, certain things in life are better left alone."
"Why is it so hard for you to let me love you."
"Because you're going to leave! You're not going to be around forever and I can't lean on you when I know that someday you won't be around and the very thing that I depended on so much is gone."
"I'm not going to leave."
"Hyun, we're not going to grow old together with a house full of kids that's not how this is going to work. I am cursed, my life, my very existence misfortune. I can never give you children, I can't grow old with you, I can't die. You'll pass on, move on from this life and I'll still be here. Alone, frozen in time."
"I never once thought that our lives would be easy I mean look around, but you keep living and you keep fighting. Without love what are we living for?"
"I can't tell you everything I've been through."
"So show me." Hyun said taking hold of my face and placing his forehead on mine. Then just like a movie there it was in a flash, my entire life. The vortex fell to find Hyun completely unharmed and myself fully clothed in the dress from before. The snakes around Eve slithered back into my eyes and I blinked them back revealing brown human like eyes.
"Ka ret deon." (Take them to the dungeon). My mother said to the demons and they carried Adam and Eve away.
"How" "what" "when" were the words that kept getting thrown at me because Hyun shouldn't have been able to survive what he had just done. In fact, he should've died as soon as he touched me.
I opened my mouth to speak but lost balance and collapsed into Hyun's arms.
"I've got you." He whispered picking me up.
"She's burning up." Wrath said.
"Good one." Lust said.
"No, seriously, look." Envy said. My skin was beginning to boil and bubble.
"Okay, Pride, give Hyun a hand and carry her to the study." Mother said but as soon as Pride touched me his hand turned hot red and burned.
"I'll carry alone, it's fine." Hyun said and they rushed me to the study placing me on the desk.
"Won't she just burn through the desk?" Brian asked.
"No, it can hold her. Don't worry about that." Pride said. I was shivering as if I were ice cold.
"I-I'm s-so co-cold." I said.
"She needs to cool off." Gluttony said.
"She's cold." Indolence argued.
"But her skin boiling." Greed replied.
"Let me try take her pain away." Mother said.
"Without the pain keeping her alive, you might just kill her." Father replied.
"She's not healing." Hyun said.
"No hey." Ares spat and everyone stared at him.
"Sorry, high pressure situations." He added.
"Brian give me a knife." Hyun said.
"I don't have a knife." Brian said.
"I have one." Ariel replied pulling out a dagger from her bag and Brian gave her a confused look.
"It's for security purposes." She said handing the knife to Hyun.
"What are going to do with the knife?" Father asked.
"I'm going to stab her." Hyun said.
"You're not doing that." Pride said grabbing his arm.
"Let him go, she's not healing, we need to trigger her body so she can heal herself." Mother said and gave Hyun a nod of confirmation all the while I continued to shake.
Hyun lifted his arms and whispered that he was sorry then plunged the dagger into my stomach. I gasped lifting off the table blood trickling onto the floor. He yanked the dagger back out. Blood ran down the desk as I lay still. Everyone was holding their breath. The hole slowly began to close up clearing all the boils and blisters as it did. I sat up embracing Hyun tightly.
"I thought I was going to die." I whispered into his ear.
"It's okay." He said holding me tighter.
"You should take her up to bed, she needs to rest." Father said and him and mother gave me a kiss on the forehead before going out. My siblings and everyone else each gave me a tight squeeze before leaving.
"Time to get you to bed." Hyun said picking me up again.
"Don't take me to my room. Take me to the Mercury River please. We can take Kenna."
"You're too weak for that."
"It'll give me back some of my strength."
"You need some rest."
"Consider it an energy recharge."
"Fine, but if your parents find out they'll have my head."
"I suppose they're your parents too now and everyone has taken quite the liking to you. More so now that you just saved my life." I said when we got outside.
"And now I'm endangering said life."
"No, you're helping said life."
"If you say so." He said as we jumped onto Kenna's back.

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