Chapter 7

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The next day Hyun and I were all packed and headed to Earth with my siblings and Ares.
We all were staying in the same Villa. Traveling back and forth for each Wedding could at times be a bit tedious and I will spare all the boring details of each wedding but, I will say that watching each of my siblings slowly begin to fall in love with their partner is something I wouldn't trade the world for. Each of the Weddings were stunning and traditional to the culture. Mother and Father came for the Weddings but didn't really stay for the Reception.
Once it was all done and all my siblings had left for their honeymoons Hyun, Ares and I continued to stay at the villa for about another week or so.
"Hyun have you seen my gold ring? The one that's a snake and wraps around two of my fingers." I asked half running down the stairs. When I got to the counter I found Hyun and Ares talking and drinking what looked like orange juice.
"I found it under the couch." Ares said handing me the ring.
"Thank you." I replied sliding it onto my fingers.
"Where are you going all dressed up?" Hyun asked.
"The mall. I'm getting a swimsuit." I responded adjusting the bottom of my tight dress.
"I thought you didn't like swimming." Hyun said.
"I don't but, the pool here looks amazing and I just have to swim before we go back."
"Want me to come with you? Or us to come with you?"
"Nah, don't worry about it. Just need a little me time. I'll see you in a bit." I replied grabbing my handbag, giving a Hyun a kiss on the cheek goodbye and saying goodbye to Ares.
I lost count of how many bags I had and while walking out the mall they were proving to be quite the issue.
"Do you need some help?" A stranger asked me with a slight smile on his face his hands running through his short blonde hair.
After thinking about it for a minute or two I accepted his offer. He walked me to the car where the driver sat already waiting for me.
"Thank you." I said as the driver came around and placed all the bags in the car.
"No problem. I didn't catch your name."
"Nuria." I said holding out my hand for a handshake.
"It was nice meeting you Brian." I said getting into the car. I was about to close the door when Brian held it open.
"Wait, could I maybe get your number or something?" He asked.
"Flattered but no, I'm engaged." I said pushing my hair back so he could see the ring.
"My bad. It was nice meeting you Nuria and congratulations."
"Same to you and thank you." I replied closing the door.
Arriving home I changed into my new black Rib Cross Halter Underwire Thong Bikini Swimsuit. When I made my way down to the pool I found the boys already. I dived into the water. Slowly I rose back you to the surface running my hands back down my hair.
"Didn't even wait for me?" I joked. Before submerging myself back under the water. I swam around under the water until I heard someone walk through the door up to the water. Raising my head out the water I saw Hyun jump out the pool and run up to BRIAN, giving him a tight hug getting all his clothes wet.
"I've missed you so much bro." Hyun said.
"I've missed you too." Brian replied hugging him back despite the fact that Hyun was sopping.
"Ares, Nuria meet Brian, my best friend. Brian, Nuria my fiancé and Ares a really good friend of ours." Hyun announced.
"Nice to meet you dude." Ares said getting out the water giving Brian a handshake and a pat on the back.
"Brian and I met earlier at the mall actually." I said still standing in the water.
"Yeah, we did." Brian replied and the boys walked off to the chairs to have a seat and talk about who knows what. I'm assuming they expected me to join them but I just slowly slid back under the water.
Once I felt like I had had enough. I pushed myself out of the water. Water rolling off my body as I pushed my hair back. The boys looked like they were watching me in slow motion and I could tell that with my back facing towards them.
I walked up to the chair where Hyun was sitting water still dripping down my body. I grabbed the towel beside and turned around to walk away.
"Close your mouths, you're all drooling." I said without facing them and continuing to dry my hair. Hyun lightly slapped each of their arms.
As I was about to walk back into the house Zion called me back.
"Where are you going?" He asked and I spun back around on my heel.
"I'm just gonna get some water." I replied.
"Come sit with us for a bit." He suggested standing up and walking towards me.
"I will I just need a little water." I said but before he could even answer I caught an arrow heading straight for his eye inches away from his face.
I turned around to see who it was and there stood a slim girl with shoulder length blond hair.
"Who are you?" Ares asked.
"It doesn't matter who I am. Eve is expecting you back home." She said directed towards me.
"She can wait all she wants I'm not going to go see her." I replied.
"You might want to change your mind. She has your family and an entire army." The girl replied looking rather pleased with herself.
"Send Eve a little message for me."
"What might that message be?" She asked and I threw the arrow. It pierced her eye and she fell onto the floor.
"An eye for an eye." I said as her chest slowly stopped moving.
"Get your stuff and change. Looks like we're going to Hell." I said running up the stairs.
A couple minutes later everyone was in the living room, luggage in hand.
I said a quick spell and opened a portal. As soon as we walked through we stood before the huge door to the Castle I pushed it open and we all walked inside.
"My favourite niece of sorts, Nuria Morningstar." Eve said. She was sitting in my father's seat on the dining table with the rest of my family seated in the rest of the seats. An army stood around us.
"What do you want Eve?" I asked as a few members of her army seated Brian, Hyun and Ares at the dinner table.
"Join us." She said plopping a grape into her mouth.
"A Feast for Sinners." I said as a slight remark but continued to stand.
"Sit down."
"Please just sit down." Wrath pleaded but I continued to stand.
"It's okay Wrath." Eve said pushing out of her chair and making her way towards me.
"It's not attractive to be a little brat." Eve said harshly grabbing my face. I grabbed her arm. I began to grip tighter and tighter until she dropped to the ground and let me go.
"I'm going to ask you one more time what do you want?" I closed my eyes and when I opened them I revealed my real eyes. They were back, everything was black. No white, no color. Darker than darkness itself.
Eve stepped back.
"Are you scared Eve?" I asked my voice sounding almost demonic. He soldiers began to walk towards me but she stopped them.
"There's nothing natural about what you are. You're a monster." She spat.
"And what are you Eve? Are you a wife? Are you woman? Are you a saint?" I asked starting to walk around her in circles.
"I never claimed to be a saint."
"And I never said I wasn't a monster."
"This world just isn't big enough for the both us. You need to go and I need your immortality." She said pushing a dagger into my stomach.
"Wrong move." I said pulling it out and tossing down onto the floor. My dress began to slowly stain a black ink.
"Soldiers!" Eve shouted and each soldier grabbed a person from the table pressing a knife against their throats.
"The rest of your family they don't heal like you do. Hyun and Ares would die if a knife slit their throats open and poor little Brian is just collateral damage."
"It's one thing to threaten me..." I said drawing out my claws my voice becoming less and less human.
"'s a completely different thing to threaten my family. If so much as a hair on their heads is harmed I will burn all of you to the ground." I said. Eve ran towards me gripping her hands around my neck. Then quickly she leaped backwards her hands burnt and blistered.
Then I began to light on fire. The tail of my black silk dress slowly caught on fire spreading throughout my whole body until I was engulfed in flames.
"You can run, but you can't out run me. You can't hide but I'll always find you. No matter where you are or where you're going I will hunt you down like dog and I will kill you." I said my voice sounded like it came from the depths of hell.
"I'll slaughter your entire family as you hopelessly watch right before I end your pathetic existence."
"Eve, I thought you would've learnt this by now, you can't kill me."
"But I can kill them." She said and saw the knives slowly begin to press against their necks little droplets of blood seeping through their skin.
"Stop." I commanded
"Excuse me?"
"Kneel or you can collect their bloody rolling heads on the ground."
Slowly and hesitantly I dropped down to one of my knees.
"Bow your head to me." Eve demanded and I growled beneath my breath but nonetheless I lowered my head and the fire around me burned out.
Eve began to laugh victoriously. As if she had slain a dragon or killed a legend.
"You're forgetting one thing Eve. I do not kneel nor do I bow to any one, especially someone below me." I declared before slowly lifting my head back up. As I opened my eyes the fire ignited once again all the soldiers screamed and cried out for help but it was no use and they turned to no more than ash.
Slowly I rose back to my feet glaring down at Eve. My body towered over hers and it was like she was shrinking before my very eyes while flames continued to rage off my body.
I grabbed her by the neck slamming her hard against the wall.
"You're not smart enough to orchestrate all of this yourself. Who are you working for?" I asked. My eyes ice cold and my hand burning her throat.
"You'll meet them soon enough." She said, her voice was raspy and hoarse. Then and there I could've ended her life and I would've if Hyun hadn't stopped me. He grew vines from plants that hung from the trees binding my hands so Eve could escape. I dropped her back down onto the ground and she ran out of the gate. The fire burning around me calmed leaving my dress without so much a trace of smoke.
"You were going to kill her weren't you?" Hyun asked and I ignored his question.
I gestured two of my fingers swirling the ashes from the ground up back up into the people they once were.
"Queen." They said immediately going down on one knee.
"You will train with my soldiers and my army until I give you any further instructions. Disobey my orders and you'll pay with your blood."
"Yes my Queen." They said in unison standing up and marching towards the training grounds.
"How'd you do that?" Brian asked and I closed my eyes opening them to show human like brown eyes.
"I'm capable of a lot more than any of you have ever seen. Eve isn't working alone, she's not capable of building an army big enough to go against us." I said withdrawing my claws.
"Us? Isn't she just coming for you?" Ares asked.
"No, Eve maybe, but whoever she's working with isn't so short sighted. She thinks that by getting me out of the way the crown is an easy win. She's underestimating what all of you are capable of, she's forgotten what my father can do. Now is the time for us to fight and train, because they're coming for our family, they're coming for our throne. They're envious that we have what they could never hold. We must be ready." I said standing before everyone.
"So what? We train like soldiers?" Lust asked.
"No, we train harder. Hyun, call your dad over to sleep here tonight, we need to make sure he stays safe. Ares, Brian, there's plenty of rooms just pick one you're staying here tonight. Brothers, sisters, bring your spouses. A war is coming." I replied.
"Your mother and I will rally allies. They will not catch us off guard next time." My father said and everyone dispersed.
I began to turn to walk up the stairs when someone called after me.
"Hellfire, wait up!" Hyun shouted after me.
"Yes?" I asked swiftly turning on my heels.
"Let's get to the room first." Hyun said walking me to my room.
"Yes?" I asked once he shut the door behind us.
"Do you really think you're safe here? This is the first place they'll look for you."
"They'll find me no matter where I go. I'd rather they find me in my element than catch me off guard."
As soon as I finished my sentence Hyun kissed me. He kissed me as if he were saying his last goodbye.
"What was that for?" I asked.
"Just in case I don't get another chance to."
"Don't talk like that. We're all getting out of this alive. Plus we still have a wedding to go to."
I stood before the gates as weapons moved in.
I watched over all the armory coming in memorising the faces of those carrying it.
I assembled all the demons in the hall. They all seemed anxious and on edge. It was as if they all thought I called them in to kill them.
"You may rest easy, I'm not gonna to kill you. I've assembled all of you here to inform you of an enemy that is coming into these walls to massacre my people, my family. You'll train to kill and survive. From now on you'll be my eyes and ears. No one so much as exhales without me knowing about it. You're dismissed." I said sitting back down on my throne as the demons all filed out.
"The crown, the throne, the power, it suits you." My father said walking up to me.
"Thank you Father."
"You're a lot like your mother; strong, persuasive, authoritative, powerful and independent."
"Some would say I'm a lot like my father; relentless, merciless, ruthless, hardheaded, stubborn and cruel."
"You flatter me. You're just like your parents, they're scared of what you'll become."
"What exactly do they think I'll become?"
"Legendary, powerful, they see you as a threat. Now more than ever you need to make sure you don't put all your cards on the table at once."
"Keep your hand hidden."
"That's my girl." My mother said emerging next to my father.

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