Chapter 6

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Hours, I sat there for hours when finally something arrived at the window. It wasn't Hyun but something only Hyun would send, a little bird with a note.
"Meet me in the ballroom at the Castle. Your place." The piece of paper said and at this point I was pretty irritated. I don't like waiting.
I got on Kenna and flew back to the Palace where my patience was already wearing thin.
I walked in to the sound of nothing, complete and utter silence. I rolled my eyes. I was getting really annoyed at this point. I walked to the ballroom and just as I stepped through the door the sound of music began as people jumped out yelling surprise. I stood there in shock for a minute as people began to run up to me and give me hugs upon hugs.
"If I may ask. What is the occasion."
"This is your engagement party." Mother said.
"And you couldn't have just told me about it?" I asked.
"Where's the fun in that?" Father asked.
Hyun came up to me with a huge smile on his face. I tried to stay mad but I just couldn't and a smile broke out on my face too.
"I'm sorry we didn't tell you." He said extending arm to me and took hold of it with both of my hands.
"I thought I was losing my mind."
"You look beautiful. How did you know to dress up?" He asked and that's when I realized what he was wearing; a nude suit with a good tie. It was like I knew what he'd be wearing 'cause it all looked planned.
"Long story." I said as we walked towards his father.
"My congratulations to the both of you. There's no one I could see more fit to rule beside my son."
"Thank you, sir."
"You don't have to call me sir dear. We're practically family." He said raising his glass of red wine.
I grabbed a glass and Hyun and I began talking to the carefully selected guests. When someone just had to come in and try ruin my night by almost spilling red wine on my dress. We stood talking to my siblings, glasses in hand and laughter in the air.
A beautiful slow song began to play.
"You wouldn't mind if I stole your sister for a dance would you?" Hyun asked and they each gave him a nod. He took my glass out of my hand and placed it on a table along with his.
"Can I have this dance?" He asked.
"I'd love to dance with you." I said.
I wrapped my hands around his neck.  He placed his on both of my hips and pulled me extremely close to his body. Our bodies swayed to the melody in our ears. I closed my eyes blocking out everyone else. I lay my head on his chest and he held me tighter as our figures continued to synchronize in a way only we could and ever would understand.
"I love you Hyun." I whispered.
"I love you Hellfire."

The following week was Hyun's Coronation. Hyun whore a black suit pants, a black button up top and a royal blue and gold cape with a long train that had white fur covering the shoulders brought together with a cold pin and chain. I stood front row of the ceremony in a royal blue ball gown with gold accents. I wore my gold tiara and necklace. I crossed my hands in front of me showing of my ring. My brothers and sisters all stood beside me as well as my parents and Ares. They all wore baby blue along with the rest of the guests.
"Lee Hyun of the Faerie Realm." A speaker announced and Hyun began to walk into the Throne room.
When he arrived before the Throne he went down on both knees.
"Lee Hyun, do you swear to stand by your Kingdom, Rule as a Just and Fair King and fight for your people till your dying breath?" His Father asked.
"I solemnly swear." Hyun replied and another man walked in with a golden crown on a blue velvet cushion with golden lining. His father took the crown and lay it upon his son's head.
"I present to you Lee Hyun, King of The Faerie Realm." His father declared and a round of applause broke out as Hyun stood up to face his people. I liked to him and gave him a proud smile continuing to applaud him.
"Long live the King!" His father declared.
"Long live the King!" We all yelled back. Everyone walked out to the ballroom that was decorated appropriately.
"Mind if I have this dance your Majesty?" I asked as I curtsied before him. He just laughed extending his hand towards me. Taking his hand he pulled my body close resting one of his hands on my waist and the other stretched out into the air. I placed my hand on his shoulder and the other I took hold of his. Our feet moved to the beat. Our eyes starring into each other's not even once breaking contact. Other couples soon too joined us on the dance floor but we couldn't care less about them. It was just him and I. A smile grew on my face, I was marrying this man, the love of my life. I know cheesy, not something I'd usually say, but what can I say. Swiftly he twirled me beside him and caught me right back in the same position. My eyes and his not turning away even once, not for a single second.
"I'm so proud of you. You're going to be a glorious King." I said.
"Thank you Hellfire." He replied as we continued dancing.

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