Chapter 8

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"One day we'll have a bunch of children running around and we'll miss moments like these." Hyun said with his head laid on my lap and my hands running through his hair.
"How many kids is 'a bunch'?"
"Like five."
"How many do you want?"
"I'm good with three." He said and I bent my head down to peck him on the lips.
"Three little people running around."
"You wanna get started right now?" Hyun asked sitting up and pulling me close to him and my legs around his his waist. Then he kissed me multiple quick times all over my face and neck.
"I love you firefly."
"I love you too." I said giving him a quick peck on the lips.
"We should go shower." I said rolling myself off the bed.
"Right now?"
"No time like the present." I said walking to the bathroom.
After our shower Hyun and I stood on the balcony. He stood behind me with his arms around my waist and chin on my shoulder. We stood there just breathing in the fresh air, taking in the moment. Hyun kissed my shoulder and I squeezed his hand a little tighter.
"We should go get some breakfast." He said.
We walked to this little all day breakfast restaurant by the beach hand in hand.
While eating and just talking about whatever we wanted to talk about an old married couple came up to us.
"You two make a beautiful couple." The lady said.
"Thank you." I replied.
"You must be on your honeymoon." The man said.
"Yes we are." I replied and Hyun gave me a smile.
"Enjoy it and once you have kids and get all comfortable you should still have date nights every once in a while it keeps the love alive." The man said.
"Noted." Hyun replied.
"Would you like to join us?" I asked.
"No, thank you, we were just in our way out." The lady said.
"Well it was nice meeting the both of you." I said and they were off.
"Does that happen often?" I asked Hyun.
"It's a small friendly island so I think so."
We walked just inside the edge of the water letting the small waves slowly move past and through our feet. I pushed Hyun into the water and burst our laughing as he hit the water.
"What was that for?!" He shouted.
"That was for yesterday." I said and he pulled me right back down into the water with him.
"Hyun!" I shouted while laughing as he tackled me into the water.
"Looks like we're both in now." He joked and I splashed a huge amount of water at him and he began to chase me. I was laughing so much that he finally he caught up to me and pulled me tight into his chest spinning me around.
"Got you." He laughed as he tickled me. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't even tell him to stop. Once he finally put me back down we stood with the water up to his thighs and my waist. His hand stayed on the small of my back pulling me closer to him. He gently pulled back some of my wet hair then leaned down to his me. He kissed me gently for a long time, handling me as if I were a porcelain doll, in a good way. He was always so gentle with me like I was the most precious thing in his life.
Once we got back to the house we showered to get off all the sand and salt water.
While Hyun and I were still in robes I jumped onto his back but I ran up to him a little too fast and we both ended up tumbling over onto the floor.
"That didn't go according to plan." I said as we both laughed on the floor.
"I got you something." I said walking to my bag.
"You don't have to get me anything."
"I wanted to."
I pulled out a little black box and handed it Hyun.
"Open it." I said as he took it.
It was a gold rhinestone decor triple dial quartz watch.
"Wow, thank you firefly." He said giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Wait don't put it on right now, I have something planned."
"Do I need a helmet?"
"No, wear something comfortable and tropical."
I changed into a red two piece that had dark green tropical leaves and trees. The top stopped an inch under my bust it was tight with a deep v-line. The skirt was high waist with two slits and it flowed freely. Hyun wore a pair of shorts and a lose tropical print top.
"Are you going to tell me where we're going now?" Hyun asked spinning me around to face him.
"You're going to love it I promise."
"I'd love to just spend the day here with you."
"We can do that any day for the rest of our lives but not today. Let's go." I said dragging out the last word as I dragged him out the front door.
"Just trust me." I said interlocking our arms.
"I do trust you. You just seen a little too chipper for this date."
"You'll see why."
We took the car to the other side of the island where there were less restaurants and people.
While continuing to walk down the sand we spotted a few girl dancing close to the ocean and an instructor in front of them.
"Are we going to a dance class?" He asked.
"Something like that." I replied.
Once we got there the instructor had just finished up with the three girls before us.
"Just give me five minutes then I'll be right with you." She said to us as the girls waved us hello and goodbye as they left.
"No problem." I replied.
"Was I supposed to bring a skirt as well?" Hyun joked and I playfully slapped him on the arm.
"Sorry, I just had to take a call. I'll be your instructor today my name is Lani. You two must be my newlyweds for this Afternoon Mr and Mrs Kim." The instructor by the name of Lani said cheerfully. Her silky black hair gently swaying in the soft breeze.
"Actually she decided to keep her maiden name but yes that is us." Hyun replied.
"Great. We're going start off with some light standing yoga to stretch and then we'll go straight into the dancing. How does that sound."
"Great." I replied and Hyun and I began walking a couple steps forward.
"We just need to wait little while for the rest of the class to arrive." Lani said before walking off.
"Yoga?" Hyun asked.
"What's wrong with yoga?"
"You hate yoga."
"That's not true."
"You can't stay still long enough for yoga."
"I can. I'm just not that into yoga."
"You're not into any form of exercise."
"I can think of a couple of exercises we're both into." I whispered and Hyun's eyes widened.
"I'm kidding. We're here for the dancing. I didn't know she was going to make us do yoga as well."
"This is going to be interesting." Hyun said under his breath laughing slightly as the other girls walked on.
"Okay let's get started."
I hate yoga. I couldn't stay still or calm or keep my mind clear. Hyun could, when he wasn't laughing at me anyway. Staying still is hard.
The dancing went a lot better, for me at least. It took a couple tries but eventually I was dancing the hula properly. Hyun on the other hand couldn't get it. He dropped down onto the sand watching me dance and by all means necessary trying to distract me.
"Look at you, mmm." He'd say or just the most random things.
"Hyun stop." I tried holding in a laugh. Then I could feel him standing behind me.
"Hips don't lie." He whispered into my ear and a laugh almost escaped my mouth.
"What? Shakira said it." He replied and I rolled my eyes.
"Am I distracting you?" He whispered into my ear.
"Yes actually, stop." I said trying to be serious.
"I mean I could...but, I don't really want to."
He said then grabbed me by the waist tickling my stomach and I couldn't help but laugh. The other girls were looking at us. Envious of me and attracted to Hyun. Maybe also slightly annoyed at the fact we were disrupting the whole class.
"Hyun stop!" I shouted in between laughs.
"You're causing a scene." He whispered stepping back and laughing slightly. Once the session was over we took our leave.
"I'm surprised she didn't kick us out." I said.
"She wouldn't." Hyun chuckled
"All the girls definitely noticed you."
"That's a shame, 'cause I didn't even notice them."
"Where are you going?" I asked when Hyun continued to walk in front of me.
"Aren't we going back to the house?" He asked.
"We just need to go somewhere else first for a minute." I said taking hold of his hands and taking a turn on a small narrow path.
"Where are taking me now? A ballet class?" He asked.
"Good idea, but no. We're going somewhere, don't worry about it." I lead him to a cute little picnic on the beach.
"You planned a little picnic." He said as we both sat on the huge towel.
"Yes I did but I got you something else too." I said pulling out a beautiful light brown classic guitar and handed it to Hyun.
"I know your guitar broke and I remembered how much you loved to play."
"Is that our wedding date on the side?"
"Which also so happens to be the day we met, yeah it is."
"I love it. This is the best gift anyone has ever gotten me. Thank you firefly." He replied kissing me tenderly.
"Play something." I said sitting down looking out onto the sunset then back at Hyun.
He began slowly strumming the melody to our favorite song and humming it softly. I joined in singing with him my eyes fixated on his strumming fingers.
From there we traveled the world for a couple weeks learning various cultures, languages and dances, obviously visited my brothers and sisters whenever we were in they're area, but unfortunately now we had to go back home.

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