Chapter 6: Concern

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The next few weeks at Baker Street passed quickly.

With John's help, you had started working as a receptionist at the hospital, not quite ready to get back into your studies yet. You had missed the hospital environment and were glad to at least be working in a similar setting.

When you weren't at work, Sherlock would bring you along to his cases. He had been teaching you how to deduce and you were proud to say that you were getting rather good at it.

When there were no cases to solve, you and Sherlock would spend time together at home. You liked chemistry as much as he did and were thrilled by his many experiments. Some – such as the one involving a decapitated head in the fridge – were too gruesome for your liking, but Sherlock always had an idea or two to keep you both entertained.

Moving in with Sherlock had quickly become the best decision you had ever made. You complemented each other in personality and interests. His quirks and his occasional lack of social awareness were made up for by your understanding and kind nature. Your anxiety and paranoia were softened by Sherlock's confidence and strong character.

You matched perfectly and it made for a beautiful friendship between you.

Life seemed to take a turn for the better. You had a new job, new friends, and a new home. Most importantly, you hadn't seen a single sign that suggested your stalker had caught up with you.

However, Sherlock still noticed patterns in your behaviour that worried him.

You were always hesitant to leave the house by yourself. Before you'd leave for work, you would call a cab and have them park right in front of the building. When going home in the evening, you'd do the same. He noticed that you never really left the house on your own unless you had to, and when you were home, you'd get up several times during the day just to check the locks.

When the phone would ring or when someone would knock on the door, you would flinch and turn towards the noise with widened eyes. Sometimes, you would hide in the kitchen and make Sherlock answer despite his protests against having to deal with people.

What worried Sherlock the most, however, were your nightmares. He had gotten used to them when John was his flatmate for, he, too, suffered from terrorising dreams at night. Still, when he'd hear you scream or cry in your room at night, it created an uneasiness in the pit of his stomach. His limbs would ache to get up and run to you, but he always restrained himself and let you be. It was clear you didn't want him to know.

That was why he hadn't confronted you about it again. He had tried several times, but you would get defensive and upset, quickly changing the subject and avoiding eye contact with him.

His frustrations only grew. What seemed like such an obvious deduction remained a mystery to him. Sure, he had his theories on what had happened to you, but the details were hidden from him.

He wanted to know. He wanted to help.

There was just something about you. Something that hit him the first time you met and had only grown over the weeks you spent together. He wasn't sure what it was but he felt it in every inch of his body when he looked at you.

He felt compelled to protect you. But how could he when he didn't even know what to protect you from?

Perhaps he would ask you again. One last push to get to the truth.

Then again, he didn't want to upset you or scare you off. He worried about that often. Losing John to Mary and their child had been difficult enough. He didn't want to lose you, too. He liked being your flatmate. Your friend.

Sherlock let his eyes settle back on your sleeping form on the sofa. Work had been hectic today and you had barely made it up the stairs before you passed out.

He got up from his chair and grabbed a blanket from the back of the sofa. He took off your shoes and carefully tucked you in. He shushed you when you stirred and smiled when you curled up and relaxed again.

Dragging himself away from you, he made it to his own bedroom and quietly shut the door. 

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