Chapter 4: Flatmate Fiasco

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Being Sherlock's flatmate was interesting, to say the least. It was fair to say that Mrs Hudson's warning of the detective being 'a handful' was a significant understatement.

You had just settled in and moved all of your things from the hotel when Sherlock returned from his case that first day. His best friend and former flatmate had come with him to see if Sherlock really had found a new flatmate or if he was lying.

When John saw that his best friend's new flatmate was not only real but an attractive woman as well, the poor man nearly had a heart attack.

John didn't stop by as often as Sherlock liked, you had noticed. It was understandable, though. When you met John, he had told you all about how he got married only a few months prior and had a baby on the way. He gushed about Mary and promised you'd meet her soon enough.

John Watson was a busy family man, but you quickly noticed this irked Sherlock in a way. He was always on his best behaviour when his friend visited but sulked on the sofa when he left.

Naturally, you had tried to get to know the detective better but you also kept your distance. You knew about his deduction abilities and how good he was. You were afraid that spending too much time with the detective would allow him to read you better.

You were afraid he would figure out exactly why you had run away to London with hardly any of your possessions. You didn't want him to know. You didn't want anyone to know. A fresh start is what you were aiming for, not a repeat of the past.

Much time for bonding with the detective wasn't available much anyway. He spent a lot of time solving cases with Scotland Yard, while you were looking into residency openings or other potential jobs.

However, that quickly changed three days into living with Sherlock.

Those first three days had gone by surprisingly smoothly, but then the inevitable happened.

Sherlock got bored.

You jolted awake to the sound of a screeching violin. You rubbed your eyes and took a deep breath to settle the fear that momentarily coursed through your body.

You were fine until, all of a sudden, the sound of gunshots blasted through the air.

You gasped and ran down the stairs, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. You nearly crashed through the door, eyes blown wide with fear.

When you saw Sherlock lounging in his chair with a gun loosely in his hand, you freaked out.

"What the FUCK, Sherlock?!" you screamed. "What the hell are you doing? You almost gave me a heart attack! I thought someone had broken in! I thought- I thought –"

The anxiety and fear of the previous months had slammed back into your chest and you were struggling to breathe.

"I'm bored!" Sherlock shouted, paying no attention to you. He raised the gun again, ready to shoot.

"Don't you dare!" you yelled. "Don't you ever shoot that gun in this house ever again!"

Sherlock finally turned towards you, a shocked expression clearly pulling at his features. He noticed your messy hair, your heavy breathing, and your widened eyes. He saw the fear in them and instantly felt regret.

"Please," you gulped, "don't do that again."

He nodded and put the gun away, out of your sight. "Are you alright?"

"Fine," you rasped. "You just scared me, that's all. I'm not- I'm not good with loud noises." It wasn't a lie but not the complete truth either. You stared anxiously at Sherlock, but he seemed to believe you.

You sat down in John's old chair, Sherlock's eyes following your every move. While he wasn't going to admit this to anyone – not even himself – he felt worried about you. More worried than he should be for someone he had known less than a week.

"So, you're bored, huh?" you broke the silence in a bid to calm yourself.

Sherlock huffed. "John is at work and Graham has no cases."

"I thought his name was Greg?" you remarked.

Sherlock ignored your comment and flopped down onto the sofa with a pout. "I'm bored," he complained.

"You already told me that."

"I was simply providing you with an update that I am, in fact, still bored."

You chuckled. "Do you want to do something then? Anything that does not involve shooting a wall."

He shrugged.

You rolled your eyes at his childlike behaviour. "How about the lab? You go there often, right? Why don't you show me around? I was planning on taking a look at it anyway."

He sat up. "Looking to continue your medical studies then?"

"I'm thinking about it," you answered timidly.

"I'll introduce you to Molly," he decided. "She works at the hospital as a pathologist. She could put in a good word for you, I suppose. If you're interested, of course."

You smiled at him. "Let's just go see the lab first, yeah?"

The two of you soon made it to St Bart's. As you had hoped, Sherlock didn't seem so bored anymore. He seemed rather excited to get back into the lab.

"Molly!" he called out. "Any corpses available today? I have some experiments I'd like to run."

You frowned at his request but said nothing, instead focussing your attention on Molly Hooper.

"You can use whatever you like, Sherlock. Oh," she stopped when she saw you, "who's this?"

"Molly, this is my new flatmate, (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Molly. Where are the bodies?" he rushed.

You smiled at her and shook her hand. "Don't mind him, he's just bored. I'm (Y/F/N), it's nice to meet another friend of Sherlock's."

Molly blushed and looked down at her shoes. "Yes, friend," she mumbled. "It's nice to meet you, too," she quickly added.

"I was hoping you could show me around?" you wondered. "I'm considering applying for a job here."

She nodded. "Sure. I'll just show you the lab. That's probably where Sherlock ran off to."

"He comes here often, right?"

"Oh, yes, all the time. When he's not working on cases, he's doing experiments."

She showed you to the lab, where Sherlock was already looking through a microscope and scribbling down notes.

"Found something to cure your boredom?" you smiled.

Before he could answer, his phone buzzed. A grin spread on his face as he quickly scanned the text.

"Gavin has a case," he resounded. He abandoned his microscope and shrugged his coat back on. "Care to join me, (Y/N)?"

"Wait, really? On an actual murder case?"

"I work better with a partner. John isn't available, so that leaves you. Interested?"

You nodded furiously. "Of course! I'd love to come!"

Sherlock grinned at you. "Follow me."


Figured I'd update my new book for my birthday today! Hope you all enjoyed it! 😍

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