Chapter 1: Escaping Hell

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Threatening letters. Disturbing emails. Anonymous calls in the middle of the night.

Walking to the shops. What if he's behind me.

Don't turn around.

He's following me.

Warnings painted on the front door. Slurs scratched into your car.

He knows where I live. He's going to get me.

Police interviews. So many police interviews.

We can't help you, miss.

Looking over your shoulder. Hearing footsteps at night.

He's coming for me. He's going to kill me.


And one day, you couldn't take it anymore. You ran.

You passed one shop after the other. The busy London streets were so crowded, you felt like you completely blended into the mass of people. Perfect.

You had moved to London three days ago. It was an impulsive yet necessary decision. You had to get away.

Unfortunately, that didn't leave much time for finding a place to live. That left you desperately searching the internet and looking for adverts in shops with no luck.

You decided to give up for the day and head back to your hotel, stopping for a snack and an instant noodles dinner on the way.

As the cashier was scanning your items, your eyes fell on some papers taped to the bulletin board towards the exit. You quickly paid and rushed to the board.

'Flatmate required. Can't be an idiot. Address 221B Baker Street. Stop by if interested.'

You frowned at the tone of the ad, but with your savings running low, you desperately needed somewhere to stay. At least until you could afford a place of your own.

You reached to take the ad off the board when a hand stopped you.

"Interested?" a deep voice asked.

You turned to see the tall man whose hand was still on top of yours. He was handsome, you noticed, and impeccably dressed. He was looking down at you with a small smirk on his lips.


"Yes!" you blurted out. You pulled your hand away and took a step back. "Interested, I mean. Is this your ad?"

The man nodded slowly. His eyes were scanning you carefully and a wave of anxiety hit you.

No. You thought.

You moved. You got away from your stalker. He couldn't have found you yet. Not this fast.

The man frowned. "Is something wrong?"

You quickly shook your head. "No! I just really need to find a flat. Are you conducting interviews? I'm free all day tomorrow."

"No need," the man smirked. "The name is Sherlock Holmes. The flatshare is yours if you want it. I'll be expecting you first thing tomorrow. The landlady will provide you with the contract and the key."

Before you had the chance to respond, the man had walked off.

"I'll be there!" you shouted after him.

It was a risk, but you couldn't afford to stay in the hotel any longer. This man seemed odd but you didn't feel threatened. You felt surprisingly comfortable with the thought of meeting this man in the morning.

This was the fresh start you needed.

All you could do now was hope your stalker would never find you. 


This was the first chapter of my new story! It's short but I wanted the opening to be simple and introductory. I hope you're all as excited about this new piece as I am! 

Thank you so much for reading!

Heaven and Hell (Sherlock x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ