Chapter 3: Baker Street

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Standing before 221 Baker Street, you took a deep breath to soothe your nerves and knocked.

The door swung open to reveal a smiling older woman. "Hello, dear! You must be Sherlock's new flatmate. He told me he was expecting you. Come in, dear!"

You smiled softly at the kindness that radiated off this woman. "Yes, I am. Hi. I'm (Y/F/N)." You shook her hand. "You must be the landlady?"

She nodded. "Mrs Hudson, dear. I live in 221A if you need me or if Sherlock causes you any trouble."

"Trouble?" you questioned nervously.

"Oh, not to worry, dear! He can be quite the handful, but he's a good man! I'm sure you two will get along just fine." She ushered you towards the stairs. "He's right up there, dear. Go on and see him."

Shaking off the anxiety that piled up in your stomach, you made your way upstairs and knocked hesitantly.

"You're late," Sherlock remarked as you walked through the door.

You smiled sheepishly at him. "We didn't specify a time actually. You just told me to stop by in the morning."

Sherlock smirked at you. "Not an idiot, I see. Matches my requirements perfectly. Have a seat."

You sat down in the red chair in front of his and nervously played with your fingers. "My name is (Y/F/N). I didn't get to tell you yesterday."

He picked up a violin and plucked at its strings. "Where are your bags?"


"Your bags. You'll need them if you live here, won't you?"

"Oh! Well, I figured you'd want to interview me first."

"Everything I need to know I already observed. The place is yours," he replied simply.

You gaped at him. "What?"

"I observed, (Y/N). Most people seem to be incapable of simply observing, but not you. That's why I'm offering you the flatshare."

"How can you tell?"

He put his violin down and smirked at you. "You're in your mid-twenties. Moved to London less than a week ago. You studied medicine for at least a few years, judging by your posture and the meticulous way you clean your hands, but you didn't finish your residency, although I cannot tell why. Perhaps because something or someone stopped you. That's likely why you moved as well. Moreover, you seem nervous, obviously because you are desperate to find a place to live, yet you do not seem scared. I do not scare you, which tells me you are a good judge of character and thus observant."

You stared at him for a moment with your mouth slightly agape. "That- That was amazing."

Sherlock smirked. "Did I get it right?"

You nodded. "Pretty spot on, I have to admit. How do you do that?"

"I deduce."

"Yes, but how?"

"It's a skill," Sherlock gloated. "Perhaps I'll teach you soon. If you accept my offer, of course."

"Yes!" you blurted out. "Thank you! I thought I'd never find a place to live in this city."

Sherlock looked amused. "I'm glad I haven't scared you off. I tend to have that effect on people."

"I don't find you scary. That was rather impressive actually," you admitted shyly.

"You'll do fine here at Baker Street. The upstairs bedroom is yours. Do with it what you like."

"Thank you, again. This is such a relief," you sighed. "Can we go over the details of the contract? I'd like to make sure I can actually afford this place."

"Mrs Hudson takes care of the formalities. I can't be bothered, I have more important matters to attend to."

"Like what?"

Sherlock's eyes seemed to light up. "I'm a consulting detective. Only one in the world. When Scotland Yard is out of their depth, which is always, they consult me and I solve their case."

You beamed. "I always loved to read detective novels growing up! How many cases have you solved?"

"Many." He stood up and put on his coat. "My former flatmate was a doctor. Considering your background in medicine, I'm sure you'll be able to consult me on my cases when he is unavailable."

"That'd be amazing!" you gushed.

Sherlock grinned. "As I said, you will do just fine here at Baker Street."

Heaven and Hell (Sherlock x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin