Fortunately, Jimin hadn't closed the door fully, and the four of them slipped out, heaving sighs of relief now that they were out of immediate visibility. Jaehyun flinched and the three snapped their heads in the direction he was looking before Jungkook patted his shoulder.

It's Jimin hyung, he mouthed. Jaehyun nodded slowly, looking back to Jimin's approaching figure. The older youth came to a stop and squatted in front of the four students. Staying quiet, he gestured with his head, grabbing Jungkook's hand to pull him to his feet before leading them back to the Wrangler.


"What? Yoongi's gone?" Jungkook repeated in disbelief once they were all seated in the Wrangler. Jimin nodded, his lips lightly pursed as he mindlessly fiddled with one of the rings on his fingers. It was his thinking face.

"Either he got attacked or he went out to do something. I'm thinking it's the latter." He finally said. Jungkook nodded in agreement. There was no evidence of an attack around the Wrangler and Yoongi seemed to have a danger sense so that was unlikely. But where could he have gone to...?

"The workshops! He might've gone to get tools and materials there." Jungkook suddenly had a epiphany. Jimin's eyes widened before he ruffled his hair, exasperated.

"Is he nuts? Why the hell did he go alone?" He groaned. Jungkook looked at Jaehyun and Yuju beside him and Eunha, Mina and Seokmin in the boot. His friends looked right back at him. He sighed.

"We've gotta go get him." Jungkook concluded. Jimin groaned louder this time, sliding deeper into the seat. There was silence before he rose.

"Fine, let's go. None of us know how to drive this thing anyway." He grumbled, gesturing at the dashboard as he climbed out. Jungkook nodded before climbing out of the vehicle. Jimin leaned into the car.

"Not one of you should even consider leaving this space. Even if you need to go to the bathroom, either hold your pride and piss on the tree or hold it in. If any of you leave, I will make sure that nobody goes to get you a second time, alright?" He warned. The high schoolers nodded, intimidated by his commanding gaze. Satisfied, Jimin moved back and shut the door, moving through the tree leaves with Jungkook until the students could no longer see any movement around them.

Jaehyun deflated in his seat as the adrenaline finally ran out of him. He was sure he would have a hard time finding the strength to walk for a while.

"I can't believe he really managed to do it." He murmured. His friends glanced at him. When Jungkook had called them just an hour earlier, all five of them had been at the end of their ropes with fear in that gym office. The fact that he had said that he would come and get them and then did it was borderline crazy. Seokmin exhaled a laugh from behind.

"I can't believe we were also crazy enough to follow through with the plan to run to the workshops like that." He clasped a hand to his forehead as a small wave of emotion came over him. If any of them had been even a little less athletic, it might have been too close of a call.

"We had to, the zombies would have broken into the gym office eventually. We were sitting ducks." Jaehyun replied. There was silence in the car once more.

"Now we just need to wait for this Yoongi person and we can get out of here, right?" Mina asked. Everyone nodded and Eunha clasped her hands together in her lap. Please let them come back okay. Please just let us get out of here in one piece.

Jungkook and Jimin leaped over the gate once again with minimal effort and made their way to the fire escape in the workshop once again before Jungkook stopped them. There's a horde in the office, he mouthed to Jimin, who's confused expression crumpled. So their safe spot had been compromised? How would they get Yoongi out? Wait.

Another way? Jimin mouthed. Jungkook nodded. Neither he nor Jimin had seen Yoongi when they came first, so the teacher must have gone a different way. Tilting his head, Jungkook lead Jimin up a shallow slope before pausing to look around. Satisfied, he lead the older youth to what was very clearly a side entrance to the building.

It seemed deserted, just like the rest of the campus, but both the young men knew that there was definitely a zombie presence here. Jimin grabbed his phone and sent a one-handed text message to Yoongi, glad they had all exchanged numbers earlier. While his head was down, he kept the tips of the fingers on his free hand pressed lightly into Jungkook's back as they moved without stopping.

Finished, he pocketed the phone just as they reached a staircase. Jungkook looked over his shoulder at his friend. The turn at the end of this corridor leads to the fire exit, he mouthed. Jimin nodded. Judging by the length of the corridor they had entered through, the other corridor should be long too. That meant if anything happened and the zombie horde heard, they would have at least a little bit of time to get ahead and get out. That is, as long as there were no other zombies present in other places in the building.

Jungkook guided them to the area under the staircase instead of up the stairs, surprising Jimin momentarily. The under stair area on the ground floor was used as storage for extra chairs, so there were many stacked up.

The pair nudged an opening in the arrangement and crept through, hoping to hide until Yoongi replied to Jimin's text. What greeted them instead of an empty space was the sight of a young girl with her hands clutched over her mouth to muffle her scream when she saw them.

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