Why are you here?

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     I woke up to an intense pain dominating over my body. Not only did my whole body hurt, but I felt the biggest headache in the universe. I clutched my head in agonizing torture, slowly lifting my upper body from what feels like the floor. I absolutely refused to open my eyes, as I can already feel some sunlight filter towards my sight. 

    Unfortunately, I had to eventually open my eyes. And when I did, I stumbled in complete surprise. Before my eyes was none other than my brother, Jeff Woods. I do not know how I got here nor when he got here. Not only that, I was surprised by the stab wounds all over him. 

     "What is going on?" I whimpered in fright, slowly backing away from my little brother.  For some reason, I thought I might have seen hurt in Jeff's eyes. But remembering what happened... then... I doubt that. 

     "What do you mean?" Jeff seemed genuinely confused. I rolled my eyes, guessing he was being sarcastic. I pulled my knees up to my chest, hoping to protect my vulnerable spot... the heart. 

     "What do YOU mean?" I spat back. I was trying to look for an escape route. 

     "Who's Sully?" Jeff asked. I was completely baffled by this question. 

      "I don't know," I answered honestly. I've never heard of someone named Sully. Maybe my baby bro has gone so crazy he has began hearing voices or something. Jeff's facial expression turned from angry to concern. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I hate when people give me that look. 

     "Never mind," Jeff muttered. I ignored him, getting up from the spot I was huddling in to approach the ladder down this treehouse I was apprenatingly in. I flipped me body so I could climb down the ladder facing the treehouse. That was when I noticed Jeff trying to stop me. "What do you want?" I was both angry and sad about Jeff. 

     "Stay." That was all Jeff said. I was fuming with rage. But then our past memories pass through my mind. He was still my little brother, and I was his older brother. I debated whether I should stay or not. But considering I was still lost as to where I was, I decided to listen to Jeff. I climbed up the last couple steps of the ladder to enter the treehouse. 

    "Okay." I whispered. 

     Jeff seemed pleasantly happy at my response. His arms were opened wide. I was confused at first, but eventually understood that he wanted a hug. I was still lost... about everything. 

    As we were hugging, I asked my brother, "Where are we?" 

     I felt Jeff's pulse quicken as he answered, "Don't you know?" I shook my head no. "You know what, I'll tell you later." With that response, I nodded. I still found it weird to reunite with my brother, despite everything that I remembered to happen, such as him killing our parents and then trying to kill me (unsuccessfully). 

    In that moment, I felt a searing sensation take over my body. I tried to ignore it the best that I could. I guess even Jeff must have noticed my pain as he asked, "Are you okay?" concern apparent in his blue gaze. I nodded my head, avoiding all eyes contact with my brother. 

    "I'm fine," I finally breathed out. I was not sure if Jeff believed me, but I eventually broke the hug. Still sitting on the ground, I waddled my way towards the opposite wall. Jeff seemed hurt. But rather than voice his feelings, Jeff asked: 

    "Are you okay?" I nodded yes. I curled upon myself, ready to sleep. 

     "I'm just tired," I muttered to my bro. 

      "Okay..." Jeff did not sound like he believed me. If only he knew how strange my life has been recently. "Well... good night Liu." Jeff kept his distance as well, sleeping along the opposite wall. 

      "Good night," I whispered back. I still did not remembered how I got to this treehouse, why Jeff was here, why I was feeling so much pain.... nothing!! I tried to ignore these thoughts as I fell into a nightmarish slumber. 

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