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???'S POV: 

     It was much colder among the big pine trees as I entered the woods. I wrapped my scarf around my neck rather than my face quite smugly. My knife was already clasped in my hand, ready to attack. The sun was easily blocked, making it easier to spot Liu's brother; I'm sensitive to the sunlight. 

    I made sure not to make too much noise, avoiding twigs that littered the ground. After some time, I was completely lost. The only sounds I could hear were the birds chirping above me. As I walked deeper and deeper into the woods, I grew impatient. Maybe Jeff did leave this town? I could also feel Liu fighting back within, making me clench my jaws in agony with this freaking headache. Even though I wanted to just sit back and take a break after a while, my goal in ending Jeff was much too desired, so I kept going. 

    I wasn't sure if I was merely going in circles at this point. I mean, I swear I had seen this exact tree earlier, but they all look the same anyway! In anger, I kicked a tree, only to reflect the pain onto myself. "Fuck you, tree!" I yelled, flipping it off. I picked up a branch and threw it violently. Then I kept walking on. 

    I felt completely disoriented as to my location. And the more time I spent in the woods, the more angrier I got. Also, it felt like the angrier I got, somehow Liu gets... stronger? It is starting to get difficult to keep him in. I had to pause several times just because of the pain he was beginning to inflict upon me. 

    Eventually, something interesting happened. As I trudged through the trees, I came across an abandoned treehouse. The wood looked quite rotten, and it would not be surprising if it eventually fell to the ground. As I walked around the treehouse, a ladder was attached to the trunk of the tree. Before I even thought about climbing up, I listened around me. Only the sounds of the birds could be heard. I wasn't so sure if I should climb up to the treehouse, but considering the wood doesn't look too rotten, and curiosity was killing me, I decided to anyway. 

     With one hand still clinging to my knife, and the other one holding onto the ladder for dear life, I slowly made my way into the clubhouse. I never liked heights, so I absolutely refused to look below me. I'd say the clubhouse was perhaps 13 feet above the ground, so yeah, we're going to ignore that fact. I peered into the treehouse before completely entering in. There wasn't much to see, just some camouflage covers. I'm guessing this used to be a hunting post for someone, though I never came across deer or something like that on my way here. 

    I stabbed my knife through the wall of the clubhouse, gritting my teeth. "Damnit!" I yelled. Just then, I noticed the covers began to slightly move. I heard a thud of something metallic hit the ground. I pulled my knife out of the wall and slowly approach the covers. Yup, it was hard to tell, but upon a closer inspection, I could see the covers rise a bit, and then come down again. 

    Someone was under the covers. 

  .....and I think I know who. 

    Cautiously, I lifted up the covers. Slowly, the person was being revealed to me. The first thing I saw was a stained hoodie. The next, black, matted hair. And the third.... Jeff's ugly face. My heart began pounding with excitement. He was sleeping (Author's note: Jeff has eyelids still in this story). Imagine how easy it would be to dispose him right now. He had his knife in his hand, too... doesn't he ever let go of that thing? 

    As carefully as I could, I lifted the rest of the covers off of him to expose his whole body. Best to do it here and now, even though I'd much rather see him struggle. Holding my knife above my head, I whispered, "Go to sleep." Just as I was about to drive the knife right through Jeff's chest, I was tackled by the killer. He threw me onto my back and, standing up, kicked me against one of the treehouse's walls. That freaking hurt! But thankfully, this only fueled my rage. 

    With my knife tightly gripped, I ran straight towards Jeff, murder on my mind. Jeff looked just as bloodthirsty as I did. His whole body was still stained from his last victims, and upon looking at him, he looked much thinner than I (and Liu) last remembered him. Because of this, I felt I was much stronger than Jeff at the moment. I charged right at Jeff, tightening my hold on his neck, lifting him up the ground. He began kicking at me, but it was no use... this was going to be his end. His nails dug into my hands, and it kinda stung, but I chose to ignore it. Just as I was about to plunge the knife into him again, however, he was able to kick my 'man area'. Jeff was able to escape my grip as I hissed in pain, but not without having his arm stabbed with my knife. "Come back here, bitch!" I screamed. 

     "You come here then!" I recognized that look on Jeff's face, the one from the incident. This left me in fury. He was leaning against the wall, clutching his arm in pain. I took a few steps till I was right in front of him. Then I launched myself onto him, pushing him out of the window of the treehouse. I saw him fall and hit the ground underneath us. I was surprised how easy it was.... but I should not have been. 

     He swung himself back into the treehouse, hanging onto the top of the opening into the treehouse. Like some sort of donkey, he raised both of his feet and kicked me viciously. I flew across the treehouse and, once again, hit the opposite wall. "Fuck," I muttered, caressing my hand. When I pulled my hand back, there was a bit of blood on my fingers. I growled darkly. What's worst was my knife was abandoned in the middle of the tiny space we were occupied in. Jeff must have noticed this, diving for the knife at the same time I was. In the end, we just ended up bunking our heads together. Jeff was the one who got the knife; now he had a knife for each hand. However, when Jeff looked up to, for the first time since our encounter, actually get a good look at me, he dropped my knife, and nearly dropped his own knife as well. 

    "Liu....?" I do not know what expression that was on Jeff's face... but I did not like it one bit. I grabbed my forgotten knife and stood up, leaving Jeff among on the floor. With all my might, I flipped Jeff over onto his back, as he still seemed to be in a trance. 

     "No!" I screeched at Jeff who was, for some reason not struggling underneath my feet. "It's Sully!" My heart pounded faster and faster, excited for the finale of Jeff Woods. "Liu is not here anymore. He's changed. And he doesn't want you here anymore either!" I was laughing with excitement at this point. Jeff, on the other hand, looked...upset? I don't know, people are way too complicated. I crouched till I was almost face to face with Jeff on the floor. The weight of my body prevented him from running off. "So.... go to sleep, Jeff." I was going to plunge the already bloody knife into my third victim, but was stopped shortly as Jeff lifted his arm up. The knife had gone through the flesh of his arm, rather than his chest. With his other arm, he reached for my neck, squeezing tight. 

     "Well, if that is how it is going to be, Sully," he emphasized my name, "then you can go to sleep." I was surprised by how much strength, despite having a knife wound in his arm, he could still have some energy left to fight. But Jeff must have forgotten I still had my knife, so I took my knife out of Jeff's arm and sliced his hand instead. Immediately, Jeff retracted his hands. I stood up again, looking down at Liu's bloody and frail brother. I stepped on Jeff, putting all my weight on one foot once again. He groaned in pain. Both of his hands were trying in vain to pry my foot off of him. I stood like that for awhile, trying to capture the moment to remember for the rest of mine and Liu's days...the day we killed Jeff. 

     "I don't think you get to talk like that Jeff," I eventually hissed. "You tried killing Liu once, but here I am," I chuckled madly. "You are such a failure, he couldn't even kill someone properly. Thank goodness I can though. How happy this would make Liu. So you know what?" The  entirety of my speech, Jeff was closing his eyes, still struggling... how pathetic. "You DIE BITCH!" 

     Just as I was about to ram the knife into Jeff (again), I felt a searing pain within me. This intense pain made me drop onto my knees. My knife was forgotten as I clutched my head with both hands, praying for the pain to go away. "Not yet!" I cried. Tears began to fall onto the wooden floor beneath me, salty and bitter tears. "I'm not done!" I screeched. The pain was enough to disorient me in every way. Everything, from the groans from Jeff, to the birds chirping faintly in the background, blurred as one. My vision was fading into nothingness. My thoughts were all rumpled. I couldn't even think anymore.

     Then I collapsed. 

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