Chapter eighteen

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"You made a deal with him?" Kaz yelled at me.

"I didn't have any other options." I hissed.

"Really? You didn't have any other options? I can't believe this." Kaz had put on his coat.

"So you'd rather me go back to his pack?" He shook his head.

"It's like those three years were for nothing...if you don't care then, why don't you go with him? You wasted everybody's time. I thought if I gave you everything that, that would somehow change how you viewed everything. Truth is not everyone has a fucked up mate like you." I paused before proceeding.

"You're acting like him." He chuckled and licked his lips.

"It seems like you always end up bringing the wrong men into your life." I closed my eyes. "I did everything for you. It was only out of pity!"

"If you insist on me leaving then I will," I mumbled, he leaned his head back.

"I don't care anymore..." Eris slapped Kaz on the shoulder.

"Don't listen to him. He's just being stupid." She rubbed my shoulders again.

"I had put all your lives at risk with the knowledge of that. I've realized, I've been a selfish person, and I hate to have to admit it. I am sorry that I wasted three years of your life. And I'm sorry I fell for your ridiculous act..." I grabbed my wallet and ran outside. I watched as Emrys was parked in front of my neighbor's house.

"Change of plans?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I opened the car door and got in.

"Just drive me home." He nodded his head starting the car.

"Your baby daddy isn't so nice after all?" I knew he'd throw it in my face.

"Yeah, turns out you and him have a lot in common." Emrys pretended to be a bruise.

"You hurt me!"

"How long did it take for you to get here?" I asked him.

"About four days. But counting on my luck I'd say it was worth it." I sat down in the car, my seatbelt containing me. I bit my lips and kept quiet. I didn't feel like speaking much.


"It took about five days. My calculations might've been off, but we're here." His smile brought joy to my heart.

"Let's just get this awkward walking down the path of embarrassment over." Emrys came to help me get out of the car.

"Come on. You're going to love it!" I sighed, looking down.

"I don't even want to be here how would I love it?" I stared at the ground as Emrys pulled me.

"Because it's all about what you present." He lifted my chin.

He had planned a coming home thingy for me?

"How did you know that I would come here again?" I asked him, planting my feet on the ground not moving once.

"I know everything you know. It's exciting! Everyone has wished upon that this day would come, that you would come home." I looked through the crowd.

My eyes stopped as I spotted Constantine...and Verona. Holding a child?!

"Yeah, you're probably wondering how I got them to stay here. It took a lot of convincing, but they agreed to only stay here if I brought you one piece." I held back the damaging words that I was going to say.

"Does anyone know that I'm pregnant?" I questioned him, looking up to see his face.

"I don't know...but you might as well tell everyone now. I hope this baby doesn't cause more trouble for me...knowing his dad." He rolled his eyes. Holding his hands in front of his crotch.

"I think it's a safe bet that he doesn't want anything to deal with me." Emrys looked at me, with confusion planted on his face.

"Why's that?"

"Oh, I don't know?! Maybe because some crazy guy chased me everywhere we went. Why didn't you just show yourself before that day?" He shrugged, smiling in front of everyone.

"Hey, maybe I like the chase! Who knows. I was just determined to do what I do best. And that's fine and annihilate. Except I'm not going to kill you...yet." I blinked my eyes and walked towards Constantine and Verona.

"Who is this baby?" I asked them.

"This is Alex. He's already a year old." I smiled and stepped back.

"How adorable! Congrats. Sorry for being late and the last to know." They nodded their head. "I am excited to say that..." Emrys placed a hand over my mouth.

"She's excited to say she can't wait to hang around and babysit the little children, isn't that right?" He looked over at me.

"Mmhm..." I mumbled.

He grabbed my hand and made me go to the same office where he hurt me the most.

"I don't want you to announce this pregnancy just yet. I also don't want people teasing me about it not being mine." He growled.

"So what? You expect me to lie?" He looked up and back at me.

"Yes!" I rolled my eyes, sighing in disbelief at what he just asked me.

"Come on. I don't know if I can do that." I bit my lip, staring at the ground.

"This way. Nobody will treat that thing any different. We need to keep who his biological dad is a secret. It's safer to just say it's mine." I shook my head.

"If you insist on that, then I will." I sat down in the chair in front of him. "You said you tried many applicants. May I ask if I know any? I probably don't."

He licked his lips and folded his arms. "It was four. Their identities are not important."

"Where's my pack?" I asked him, he curled his lips.

"A few are here. The Luna doesn't like me, and I don't seem to know why?" He threw his head back.

"I'm surprised they didn't try to come back and destroy you from the inside. After all, that's what I would do." I smiled.

He looked over at me with contempt, "Yeah, I'm sure that's what you'd do. Anyway, do you know how far you are?" He got up and grabbed my hand and walked us out.

"I just didn't have time to do all that bull crap." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, congrats you're going to see it now." We entered the same emergency I was once in.

"I still want to kill you." He rubbed my shoulders and smirked at me.

"That's such a good thing! I think we're moving forward." My hands stayed at my side.

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