Chapter thirteen

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It's been three in a half years since I was back in my hometown Wigston and I haven't visited it or Main Sature.

When I went to Main Sature my main goal was to stay with my uncle, undoubtedly I was wrong about that decision. I guess I should've known they'd check there but the horror I saw as I walked up to the house, the door unlocked my uncle's body lying lifeless on the floor. It was clear there was a motive that dived them to hurt anyone that I've come across.

I don't know how they found out about him. He changed everything to live a normal life, and yet they still found him. I can't help but feel responsible for it. If I stayed with Emrys he wouldn't have gone after my loved ones, but he started everything once he came to invade the family I had left.

I looked out the window, it was midnight. Nothing but the blue moon to see.

"Are you going to rest Niovi?" Kaz asked me, concerning enough.

"Nope." I bluntly said. Each moment I close my eyes I feared a moment he'd show up.

"It is unhealthy for you to stay up in your condition." I looked down.

"What do you mean?" He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to compose what he was going to say next.

"I think you already know." I shook my head.

I had started a relationship with Kaz two years ago on a Saturday in July.

"What is it that you want to show me?" I asked him.

He had blinded me from seeing.

"That's a part of the surprise my love." We walked a little more before coming to a halt.

"Now can I open my eyes?" He lifted his hands.

"Now you can." I stared at the diner date he prepared me. Roses were trailing from inside to the backyard.

"You are such a romantic person." I sat down on the chair seated right in front of him. He has prepared my favorite food. Ebi Nigiri.

"Well, what can I say?! You interest me so much. I wanted to ask you an important question." I smiled as his eyes sprinkled with delight. "Would you be my girlfriend?"

"There is nothing that could stop me from saying yes. I would love to be your girlfriend..." We stared into the eyes of each other. No doubt in my mind that Kaz is a man that I dreamt of since I was fifteen.

At that moment. I hadn't have thought about my so-called 'mate' until a few days ago. I lived my life enjoying the time I had with Kaz that I forgot about the old life I left behind, the life I wanted to run from, and it's kept me up all night.

"I just think dreading over this is not good for you at all. You spent all those times I've been with you shuddering over the fact that he might find you. I have not once seen you relaxed always looking over your shoulder. I know it's tiring for you." I looked away from him, he was right.

"How do you want me to live?" My eyes started to tear up.

"Normal. I...I want you to feel unhinged for once! You cannot live a life that is full of fear...that is no way of living." I looked outside again, before closing the curtains.

"I understand." I paused before continuing. "I am just so afraid of what may happen. I lost everything I had before, and I am so petrified of losing more. It's tiring to have to live like this.." I sat on the sofa and watched as he pulled a chair right next to me.

"It is, isn't it? I told you that you shouldn't worry. I have stuck by your side and will continue doing so. You put all the blame on you for everything he's done. You were not at fault for him destroying your livelihood. He's a monster that destroys everything that crosses you, and you happen to be his goal is destructive to your life along with everything in it." He always gave me these Ted talks. And nothing ever changed. None of my feelings of being caught ever went away, they just hid good, enough to manipulate the minds all around me into believing that I had nothing to fear. But it was a lie just like all the things I told myself.

"I don't blame myself for what he's done, I blame myself for seeking my happiness in the pursuit of destroying others. There is nothing in my mind that can change that. It's the truth..." I looked down at the plaided mat underneath the coffee table.

"I am afraid that you can't ever get over this, and I wouldn't expect you to. It's a very traumatic feeling when something like that happens to you. If you would have stayed with him you wouldn't have gotten anyone killed..." He was trying to make me realize my fear to get over it.

"I love your coaching but it gets worse every time you do it." I planted my hands on my thighs. "I am afraid of what is to come. You told me that it was unhealthy of me to stay up and since you're a vampire you know things before I even do. Tell me what is it that I don't know that you do?" He looked at his phone and back at me.

"It was just an observation." I looked as he rolled his lips back.

"You're lying to me..." I stated.

He sighed, "Yeah...should've known you'd catch on." He paused. "It's been a few days since I've known and didn't tell you. I wanted to be certain that I heard it." I looked at his lip, listening to every word that slipped his tongue.

"I would want to hear the truth. I would find out later on, wouldn't I?" He licked his canine tooth before turning his attention back onto me.

"I...think you're pregnant." One word that stopped everything before me.

Don't get me wrong being a parent was my top five things in the world that I wanted to have or do, leading at number five. But with all this stress of Emrys somehow being around, I guess it made me have a lack of my responsibilities.

"I cannot have a baby." I looked away from him and stared at the lamp. "Not while I know he's looking for me. No telling what he'll do." My lip quivered as I got nervous.

He sat beside me and rubbed my back and pushed the hair that was in my face away, it was comforting t,o say the least.

"I would never allow him to lay a finger on you." I bit my lip trying to avoid my tears from escaping.

"You don't know the whois. His wolf is seemingly the worst. He couldn't care if he'd hurt me." He lifted my chin and gave a little peck on my cheek before wiping my tears away.

"Don't worry about it. I've kicked some werewolves ass. I'll do it to him." He laughed, which made me cheer up.

"I guess you're right! I won't fear as much and I'll come to lay down next to you." He hugged me, helping me get up by giving me his hand.

I heard the stairs creak, "Did he tell you?" Eris's smile lights up my mood even more.

"Gosh, way to go! Just tell everyone on the block Eris." She looked at Luca and rolled her eyes.

"I am just so happy to hear the good news. Soon to be a baby mama." I snorted.

"Good to know you knew and never told me." She spread out her arms for me.

"You know I would've told you, but Luca promised me that I would take a joyride with Kaz's Mercedes. I couldn't pass on it, ya know." She said with nothing but honesty.

"Yeah. Yeah. I guess that was a pretty good deal!" She hugged me and gave me a thumbs up.

"I can't believe you two were breeding." She pointed at Kaz and me.

"Breeding? Seems like a term for animals." I lifted my head thinking about it.

"I would never do that with Luca." She hit him in the shoulder.

"Really?! You wanna play innocent." Once Luca gave her that stare she knew when to stop playing.

"Whatever. Get some rest, a baby is in the oven." I laughed again covering my lips.

"See! I told you." I slapped his shoulders and headed upstairs.

I laid down next to Kaz and stared face to face with him.

He closed his eyes, and I watched until my eyes shuddered shut.

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