Nothing Else I Can Say

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So that's it for this book. Ik it's shorter than the others but I found it difficult to find names of Gaga songs that went with the plot and I didn't want to change it lol. Also, Nothing Else I Can Say is underrated. Tbh, I think Lady Gaga is underrated all together. As usual, here is my Venny playlist on Spotify:

There're some real bops on there so go and listen to it :)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

There're some real bops on there so go and listen to it :)

I hope this book was OK for you and I hope you are doing well. My dms are always open for book requests (but I don't write smut cuz I'm bad at it).

Remember the world is not a nice place, but it's a gorgeous one and you should embrace that. So on that note, imma say stay safe and simp for Ms Venable.

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