Dance In The Dark

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Breakfast was even more dead than usual. No one was in the mood for talking because they missed their usual Christmases.

"I'm so sick of this!" Coco yelled, standing up.

I was still confused by the fucking table. How didn't it set on fire?!

"Sick of what, Coco?" Gallant asked her.

"Everything! I don't want to be here anymore! I hate all of you and shes the spawn of fucking Satan! She's a bitch!" She screamed, pointing at Ms Venable.

"TAKE THAT BACK!" I screamed, standing up to look at Coco.

"No," she growled.

"Take. It. Back." I whispered, advancing towards the blonde calmly.

"Or what?" She challenged.

I stood in front of her and did nothing for a moment, before drawing back my fist and punching her straight on the nose in one swift motion.

I went to hit her again but someone caught my arm before I could strike her. I turned around, ready to kill whoever had stopped me, but I was met with Ms Venable's gorgeous brown eyes staring into mine with worry filling them.

She shook her head lightly and motioned to the two guards in the corner of the room. They picked up Coco and dragged her from the room, blood pouring across the floor from her nose.

"Go upstairs and calm down," Ms Venable sighed, sitting back down and leaving me stood there.


"But nothing," she raised her voice, "go to your room and await further instructions,"

"Yes, Ms Venable," I hissed, leaving the room without another word.

I wasn't arsed to sit alone in my room, so I went into Ms Venable's instead. I made her bed after I had jumped on it this morning, and laid down on the sheets. I picked up her pillow and hugged it for a while, a few tears escaping down my face. I hated what she was doing to me, but I didn't want her to stop.

"I thought I had said to go into your room," Ms Venable said, closing her bedroom door behind her. I said nothing but my grip on her pillow tightened.

The bed dipped next to me and she tried to take her pillow off me. I wasn't going to let go of it.

"Why did you do it?" She whispered, letting her hands drop into her lap. Again, I said nothing, I just shrugged. I wasn't bothered to wipe away my tears at that point. I was so angry and confused and I wasn't sure why but I was. And I blamed Ms Venable.

"Talk to me," she said softly after a few minutes of silence.


"Anything," she smiled, "talk to me about Lady Gaga,".

"Why?" I frowned.

"I never really listened to much of her music, but clearly something must've been good about it for you to be so obsessed,"

"I'm not obsessed,"

"The world was destroyed and everyone died and all you cared about was that Lady Gaga was gone. That's a little obsessive, y/n,"

"Fine maybe I have a little obsession," I huffed, squeezing the pillow a little tighter.

"What was your favourite song of her's?"

"I like them all. Every single one, I didn't have a favourite. I know every word to every song, including her album with Tony Bennett, which was underrated. I know all of the Fame album, The Fame Monster album, her Born This Way albums, the ARTPOP album, every song from her Joanne era, all of the Tony Bennett songs and even all of her Chromatica album. I don't have a favourite," I muttered, mentally ticking off the albums as I went.

"But you're only a bit obsessed," Ms Venable giggled, I nodded my head.

"I shouldn't have hit her,"

"It's OK, how's your hand?"

I showed her my bruised knuckles but told her I was fine and that I was just tired.

"You were up past Midnight, y/n,"

"Yeah. If I fell asleep now, would you hold me?" I whispered, scared of rejection.

"Of course," she smiled, taking her pillow out of my arms and replacing it with her body as I laid down on top of her duvet. I wrapped my arms and legs around her tiny figure and slowly drifted off into unconsciousness.

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