Sexxx Dreams

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Yes, all my chapters will be gaga songs. Apart from number 1 :)

She was so hot. Ms Venable sat on top of me, straddling my waist in nothing but a purple lace bra and matching underwear. She was drawing lazy circles on my stomach with her finger and looking deeply into my eyes. I liked this.

Then Lady Gaga walked in and told Ms Venable off because I was her girlfriend and not Venny's and then I woke up.

Pretty good dream.

We had been underground for six months now and in a week, it was christmas. I wondered if we would do anything for Christmas or if anyone would even care. I love Christmas even though I'm not religious at all. It meant I got turkey. I fucking love turkey.

I had an hour before I needed to be downstairs for breakfast, so I pulled my bed away from my wall and continued writing Gaga lyrics on my wall underneath all of the song names.

It was a great way to pass the time. I had started to write the words to Donatella, when I heard crying in the room next to mine. I hated the people I lived with but I was bored and wanted to talk to someone. I was six am so I was allowed out of my room.

I opened my door and closed it behind me softly, as to make sure I didn't wake anyone. I knocked on the door with the cries behind it. They were quiet and stopped, when I knocked.

"Who is it?" A familiar voice asked through the door.

"It's y/n, can I come in please?"


"I need to talk to you about something," I lied.


I pushed the door open to see Ms Venable sat on her bed in nothing but a silk purple nightgown that stopped half way down her thigh. Her legs were over the side of the bed so she was facing me and her fiery red hair fell past her shoulders. She was wearing gold rimmed glasses that sat perfectly on the bridge of her nose. The only imperfection I could see were the tears on the face.

"What did you want to talk about Miss l/n?" She whispered, breaking the awkward silence.

"Nothing. I could hear you crying from my room and I just wanted to make sure you were OK," I replied, walking over to her and wiping the tears from her cheeks. She tensed at my touch but slowly calmed down when she realised what I was doing.

"And why would do you that?"

"Because I don't like seeing- hearing you upset," I smiled softly at her.

"Why do you care?"

"Honestly, I don't. But I think you're looking after me so I should at least do the same for you right?"

"Right," she said, another tear falling.

"Please don't cry," I whispered, looking into her glossy brown eyes, "I don't want to see you sad,".


"Hmm?" I hummed, dying a little inside because of how she said my name.

"Can I hug you?" She looked away, fear crossing her face.

Instead of answering, I snaked my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder. She smelled of vanilla. I like vanilla.

"You're warm," she giggled, pulling me a little closer.

"Yeah, you're freezing," I laughed, stroking her cheek lightly, earning a small smile from the scary woman.

"We have about forty five minutes before, breakfast," she whispered, "could you stay with me for another thirty?".

"Of course," I smiled.

"And when we do get to breakfast, this never happened," she said sternly, making me die a little more inside.

"I won't tell a soul," I winked and we spent the next thirty minutes laying down together on her bed and cuddling.

Scary Ms Venable wasn't so scary after all.

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