"Alright I'll give her some space. Just go check on her for me." She replied as she went over to one of the benches and sat down. I simply nodded and headed to where Emrys walked off to.

I went outside and immediately spotted her on the steps talking on the phone with someone. I began walking over to her and heard her conversation as I got closer.

"His dirty mouth ass just blew the fuck outta me man." I heard her snap.

"Baby calm down. You knocked him out and he's about to go to jail. He won't be able to disrespect you or Mama Jacky no more." I heard the other person say.

"Your Aunt Dorinda is coming to talk to you. Call me when you get home okay." As I got closer I realized it was her girlfriend Chrisette on the phone. I waved to her and she waved back causing Emrys to look glance back at me.

"Alright I'll call you later baby. I love you." Em replied.

"I love you too. Ms. Dorinda please make sure she doesn't punch no one else." Chrisette said making me laugh.

"I'm the wrong sister to ask but I'll try sweetie." I replied as I sat down next to Emrys. She hung up the phone and set it in her lap before looking over at me.

"You alright?" I asked slightly rubbing her back.

"Yeah just irritated." She mumbled back turning her attention to the ground in front of us.

"I understand. If you hadn't got to him first I woulda hit him." I said truthfully making her chuckle lightly with head shake.

"Let me see your hand." I said with my hand out. She reluctantly gave me her right hand and I saw that her knuckles were red and her hand was slightly hot, probably from the impact of the punch.

"It's fine." She replied but when I touch her knuckles she hissed and pulled her hand away.

"I think you broke your knuckles." I replied with a head shake.

"Just the middle one. I've broken it before and it never healed correctly." She replied as I stood up and got my keys out my purse.

"Come on let's go get you some ice." I said as I beckoned her to get up.

She got up and dusted her pants and we walked over to my car before getting in. I put my purse down in the back and started my car, heading somewhere to get her some ice.

It took about 20 minutes to get where we were going and back and when we came back Jacky and Karen were standing outside looking around for us. Once I parked I honked my horn to catch their attention. They turned towards us and started walking our way as Emrys and I got out the car.

"Where y'all been?" Karen asked as we met up.

"We went to go get some ice for Em's hand. Her knuckle is most likely broken from punching him in the jaw." I replied.

"Let me see it." Jacky said to Emrys making her sigh and give Jacky her hand.

"Its fine Ma. Just needed the ice to make sure it doesn't swell." Emrys said lowly as Jacky examined her hand.

"I'll wrap it up when we get home. Come on the judge is ready for the sentencing now." She replied as we all started walking back to the courthouse.

"Well I guess that was an easy decision for him to make." I commented making everyone else nod in agreement.


The sisters and Emrys entered the courtroom and reclaimed their seats. They were the last people to come back in so once they were seat the sentencing began.

The judge banged the gavel to gain everyone's attention and he began the sentencing shortly after.

"Tomitra Jones you have been found guilty of child endangerment. I hereby sentence you to two years in prison, 3 years of probation and your fostering license has been revoked without the possibility of reclaiming it." He started. The family eased up some but was still on edge as they awaited Tim's sentencing.

"Timothy Jones you have been found guilty of child endangerment, arson, attempted murder and a bias-motivated crime. I hereby sentence you to life without the possibility of parole." He spoke causing the sisters and Emrys to let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Man what?! Life with no parole?!" Tim exclaimed in anger as he heard his sentence.

"Tim calm down. There's nothing we can do about it." His lawyer said trying to reason with him.

"He just told me I'm finna die in a jail cell! Ian calming down!" He exclaimed causing the judge to bang his gavel loudly.

"Order in the court! If you were worried about your sentence you should have thought before committing your crimes. Guards take them to their holding cells. Court dismissed." The judge said finally ending the trial for good.

He got up and walked out as the guards escorted the Jones' to their cells. The only people left in the courtroom were Emrys, the sisters and Candace.

"Its finally over." Emrys said quietly before breaking down and crying.

"Oh my God. Its finally over."

word count: 1,405

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