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Fred and I sat on the floor for ages. Just playing with the girls and explaining to them about how they are going to have a little brother who was currently in my tummy.

Fred laughed comically when Eden asked him if I had eaten the baby. I mean, to a fourteen month old, it could possibly seem like that. At about five o clock we realised that the girls haven't had dinner and that everyone would be home from work soon so Fred decided that he would order a pizza for everyone. I couldn't wait. The thought of having all my friends around me again made my heart melt.

But I was so unsure of how they would react.

"Freddie?" I asked when he got off the phone with the take away and he nodded, sitting back down at my side and turning to me so that I knew he was listening to me.

"Will everyone hate me now?" I asked and he shook his head. "Evryone has been waiting for you to come home for so long princess that I don't think one of them would be the slightest bit angry. Well maybe George. He thinks you left him in the lurch" he said and a few tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about how much I had hurt everyone around my with my idea to leave.

"I really am sorry Freddie. I don't know what I was thinking when I disappeared like that" I said and he shook his head pulling me closer to him to I could cuddle into his shoulder as we looked at our two perfect girls playing with their toys on the floor in front of us.

"Its okay princess. Everything will be okay. Me, you, Elsie, Eden and Little Theo will all be alright my love. Everything will turn out alright in the end" he said and as if on queue the front door opened.

"Oi Frederick" I heard Lee shout from the foyer and it made me giggled slightly. "I don't smell any food cooking and I'm bloody starving. Are you trying to k- Aaliyah!" He exclaimed when he saw me and ran over to me to pull me into a hug.

"Merlin, another one?" He asked and I nodded as the tears began to pour down my face. Merlin, I hadn't realised I had missed him this much.

"Ah pumpkin don't cry. I'm sorry I didnt mean to make you upset. I'm just surprised is all" he said shushing me and running his hands through my hair. I was about to reply and tell him I was fine it was just hormones when the front door opened again and I could hear the voices of Charlie and Amelia coming through the house.

"Maybe he's still at the grave. You know how he looses track of- What the hell?" Charlie shouted as he spotted myself and Lee in an embrace on the floor on the living room.

"Scout" I whispered pulling out of Lees hold and walking over to Charlie who immediately wrapped me up in a hug. "Squeak. What are you- Your home" he said as he hugged me tighter and ran his hands up and down my back.

"I've missed you Scout" I whispered as he pulled away so that i could hug Amelia. "Ami I've missed you too" I said as she held onto my tightly and whispered I miss yous and congratulations into my ear. I couldn't believe how happy I was in this moment. I was so glad that everyone was okay with me being home. Nobody was mad and that made me extremely grateful and also emotional.

I didn't hear the front door open again but I heard Alicia and Angelina arguing over a pair of boots they saw in a shop window but stopped when they saw me. Alicia's jaw dropped and Angelina started to ball her eyes out crying.

I made a bee line for the sobbing girl and pulled her into my arms and shushed her. I'm not sure what she's so upset about but I do know that she has to be consoled.

"Aaliyah I'm so so sorry" she cried into my shoulder and I looked at Fred in confusion but he mouthed 'ill tell you later' and I nodded going back to consoling Angelina.

Fool Me Once (Book Two) - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now