Six Months

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'Now Miss that would be thirteen galleons, seven sickes and four knuts' I told the elderly woman at the till after scanning all of the items that she bought in the shop. We had just opened back up yesterday after taking ten days off between Christmas and New Years.

'Perfect. Keep the change' she said and winked as I placed the eleven knuts into the tip jar that I had stationed in front of me. Business hasnt been too bad lately, still not as busy as it was when we first opened but we manage. George and I have decided that there really was no need for both of us to work every day so I work three days a week and he works four. And with Alica, Amelia and Lee working here, there are plenty of people we can call on when it does pick up. 

'Dada' Elsie called making me turn around and face her. She was looking at me with the biggest grin on her face and I already knew that she had done something she shouldnt have. I could tell by the smile on Edens face that she was also in on it. 

'What have you got there?' I asked poking her softly in her side and making her giggle. 'Pu-fee' she exclaimed and help a small pink pygmy puff between her hands. The two of them were passing the pygmy puff between them and giggling when it nuzzled into their faces. Im glad that they arent being too rough with it because if they were I would have to take it off them and I hate making them sad. 

'Oh Merlin they are both so adorable' I heard someone say from behind me and I turned to see a witch that I had recognised from coming in here every few days. 'Hey Eleanor how are you doing today?' I asked her as I rang up her instant darkness powder and puking pastelles. 

'Good. How are the babies doing? You three have a good Christmas?' she asked and I nodded as I handed her back the change. 'Yeah great to be honest. These two' I said as I motioned to the girls behind me who were still playing very carefully with the pygmy puff. 'got spoiled by absolutely everyone I know' I laughed and she did too. 

Merlin, it was weird. I dont think I have made a girl laugh in a while. 

'Well how could they not be spoiled? They are the cutest things I have ever seen' she cooed and I smiled at her affectionately. I couldnt help but love how nicely she was talking about my girls. 

'Do they want a lollipop?' she asked me reaching into her bag but I shook my head. 'Probably not the best idea to give them sugar so soon before their nap' I said and she nodded with a smile. 'Next time' she said as she grabbed her bag and walked out of the shop. 

'Yeah, next time' I whispered before turning back to my girls. 'What just happened Muffins?' I asked and they giggled at me. 'Dada pu-fee' Eden told me and I laughed. 'Yes Muffin puffy' I said laughing before turning around to serve the next customer. 


'So. Did you get her number?' Amelia asked me and I looked at her confused. 'Whos number?' I asked turning around to face her with a puzzled look on my face. 

'Eleanors' she said with a smile and I started laughing. 'Merlin no. Why would I get her number? I dont usually take my customers nu-'

'Fred. Im only saying this cause I love you like family. But you are so oblivious' she said with a stern face as I looked at her even more confused. 

'Oblivious?' I asked and she nodded. 'Yes oblivious. How can you not see shes flirting with you Fred?' she asked me and I laughed again while she stared at me in shock. 

'Flirting with me? No. Why would anyone want to flirt with me. Especialy someone who knows that I have two small babies?' I asked and she stared at me. Obviously annoyed with what she was calling my obliviousness. 

'Fred. That girl likes you. Why else would she come into the shop twice a week? I swear to Merlin she has bought at least one of ever product here. And also. She just happens to carry lollipops around in her handbag? What person who isnt a grandmother carries lollipops in their handbag?' she asked and I scoffed. 

'Your jumping to conclusions here Amelia. She doesnt like me. Maybe she just likes the products and thats why she bought so much. Loads of people have bought a lot of our products. And to answer your last question. Angelina and Alicia both carry lollipops in their handbags. And if Im not mistaken Amelia, you do to' I said and she laughed at me again. 

'Fred. Who do we carry them for? I know. Okay. I know. I get it youve been with the same girl since you were thirteen bar the gap in the middle when you were with me. But you must still remember what it looks like when someone is attracted to you. Especially someone who isnt Aaliyah' she said and I smiled at her sadly. 

'I know its hard. But shes been gone six months Fred. You havent even gotten a letter. Or even a postcard to say where she is, what shes doing or even if she is okay. I know you might not want to move on. But maybe now is the best time' she said while walking over to me and pulling me into a small hug. 

'She will never be Aaliyah. I know that and you know that. But she could be something new, something different. She could be fun. Just even give her a chance and if your heart isnt in it, then your heart isnt in it' she explained as she ran her hand up and down my back. 

'Shell never be my Aaliyah' I said and she nodded. 'I know Fred. But do you even think Aaliyah will ever come home?' she asked me and I nodded. 

'She said she would in the letter. She - she said. Said she would c-come home to m-me and the girls. But w-what if she d-doesnt Amelia. What do I d-do?' I asked her between sobs as we fell onto the floor and she just held me as I cried. 

'It will always be hard Fred' she tried to soothe me running her hands through my hair as I cried into her chest. 'But it will get a little bit easier every day, And dont think I havent noticed that youve stopped taking coke' she said and I could almost hear how proud she was in her voice.

'You noticed?' I asked removing my head from her chest to look up at her. 'Of course. I know you like the back of my hand Fred. And Charlie noticed too. He is so proud of you. So proud. We just never said anything because we didnt want to push you. We want you to come and talk to us about things when your ready' she said as she continued to run her hands over my scalp. 

'You think I should talk to Eleanor so? The next time she comes into the shop?' I asked and she nodded. 'But only if you want to Fred. The last thing I want is for you to get into something you arent ready for. Just make sure you are one hundred percent ready, and you actually think there is a chance of you working out before you start something' she said and I nodded, standing up and pulling her up after. 

'Youre a really good big sister Amelia.' I said as I pulled her into a tight hug, hoping to convey all of my appreciation in one embrace. 'Thank you Fred' she muttered into my chest.

'You know that Eleanor cant replace my Aaliyah' I admitted as I made my way around the counter to lock up the till for the night. 

'I never said she could. I just think you deserve to be happy Fred. You already put the last six months of your life on pause waiting for her to come back. And yes I know what happened was a terrible accident, but she still shouldnt have left you. She shouldnt have left you Eden and Elsie on your own' she told me and I smiled at her. 

'I was never alone Amelia. You were always there, and Charlie, and George and Lee and Angelina and Alicia. You guys got me through everything. And if Im being honest without them two girls I would probably be dead somewhere after what happened, and without all of you, I really dont know how I could cope with the business and raising the girls on my own' I admitted as I made my way into the back office to where I could hear Elsie and Eden chattering amongst themelves meaning that they had woken up from the nap I put them down for a while ago.  

Fool Me Once (Book Two) - Fred WeasleyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu