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'Mm- ah- mm- ah' 

'What did? Theres no way! Elsie?' I questioned looking at the little girl in disbelief. 'Did she just?' I questioned again and looked at Aaliyah to looked at me skeptically. 'She just. She called me mama' Aaiyah said looking down at the baby in her arms with an unreadable expression. 

'Am I really your mama?' she asked the small child who giggled and repeated the noises from earlier 'mm- ah- mm- ah' while reaching up to play with a lock of Aaliyahs hair. 

'Fred?' Aaliyah called looking over at me. I had almost fallen into the chair in shock while looking at my daughter. Then, without any word of warning, I broke down. 'Freddie?' Aaliyah called. 'Fred, Freddie. Fuck sake. Fred look at me. Fred its okay. Just breath alright. In and out. Fred please, please baby look at me' she said and I finally looked at her. 

'Baby?' I asked and she nodded. 'Yes Freddie Im right here. Its okay. She just made a few sounds. Come here its alright' she coaxed me out of the seat I was in with her gentle words and I placed my hand on the side of her face, running my thumb over her cheek. 

'She. She never' I said but I couldnt even get the words out to express how I was feeling. 'She- just- you- today- I' I started to hyperventilate and I felt as though the room was spinning. 

Vaguely off to my left I saw Aaliyah press the buzzer on the side of the bed to alert a nurse that she needed help, but the help wasnt for her. It was for me. After a few seconds, I must have colapsed because the last thing I remember was falling slowly and Aaliyah shouting my name. 


'Oh for Merlins sake' I said as I was left in my room with the two babies as someone went to go find Angelina. They had to take Fred to a separate hospital room so that he can recover from the stress of the day, his anxiety attack, and the knock to the head he took when he fell. 

'So Im really your mum?' I asked the two sleeping babies that were lying in the pram to my right. 'How in Merlins name could I be your mum. Although you do definately have my hair. And my nose, thank Godric. But, Elisabeth, no Ethel, no Elise, Emma?' I questioned out loud already for getting the two names that Fred had told me earlier. 'I saw earlier that you definately have Freds eyes, I mean your dads eyes. Merlin that was weird. And his smile, see your both ginning now like mini Freds in your sleep. 

'Its confusing to me girls. I just, Im not sure what Im supposed to do here. I-' I took a deep breath as I looked at the two girls sleeping. 

'I think I just need some time. Some time away, to help my self. To find my self. Merlin girls, I dont even know who I am really. I mean, obviously I know Im Aaliyah Bella Nott. Well, Weasley, Fred said we were married. But what does he want me to do with all of this information. Does he want me to just jump back into my old life. Just, become a housewife and look after him and two babies that I dont even know' I looked at the girls and smiled. 

'I know now, looking at you both I can tell that you are my children. Im sure of it. I just. I think. No, I know I cant do this now. I cant be a mum when Im not even aware that Im an adult. So I have a plan girls. I made a plan, and we cant tell Fred. Erm. Your dad. We cant tell him because he would never let me do it. 

'He would never allow me to leave. He would think Im abandoning you three. And Im not. Im not abandoning you, I just need to do some soul searching. Make sure that I know who I am before I can figure out who I need to be for you three. And yes. By three, I mean you two and your dad' 

Once more I peered at the two small girls sleeping beside me and then took out a pen and a piece of paper before starting to write a letter to Fred. I quickly sent a patronus to the Ministry of Magic so that I could get the papers that I needed. I just hope that I can get everything done by the time that Fred gets back because I know that he would never let me do this. 

I also, send another patronus to a friend of mine who specialises in fake IDs. I know I will need one. The world isnt safe, well Great Britain isnt safe for either the Weasleys, and to be honest, I have completely given up on being a Nott, I can see now one of the reasons why I so quickly married Fred. 

Dear Fred ,

I know you will hate me for doing this but please know that I have to. I cant find myself if I have to stay at home and pretend to know what is happening betwee me and you. Im so unsure of everything right now Bear. I just dont know what to do, this is the best thing that I could think of. 

I want you to heal too Freddie. Thats why Im writing you this letter. I want you to heal, and to be an amazing dad to Elena and Edith. (I think).

I will come back, dont worry Im not leaving for good. I could never leave the friendship that we have, or the friendships I have with George and Charlie and Riviera and Lee. I couldnt possibly do it. 

I cant however pretend that I want a relationship with you right now. Im enclosing divorce papers, I have them signed. Just sign them Freddie. Sign them so the both of us can move on with our lives. 

I will always love you. In some ways I think you are my soulmate, but not my romantic one, a platonic one that can help to guide me in my life. 

And I know now, from the limited time that I have spent with the two babies that they are in fact our children. Mine and yours. Im not giving up on them Fred. Im not. But I am giving up on us. Its like you said. I cant do it. I cant. 

I will come back. When I have my head sorted I will come back for my two girls. Dont worry. But also please dont wait for me Freddie. It could take years for me to get my memories back, and by then I hope you have found love with someone else and maybe have another child or even two. We always did say six kids. 

Dont screw up Freddie. You are all the girls have now and you cant loose them. You cant start taking drugs and drinking again because I will kill you personally if I come back from where ever Im going and you dont have my girls.

Dont hate my girls because you hate me okay? I know you never would but thats my one request. Love them with your whole heart like you did with me in the beginning. And care for them like you did for Ginny. And be friends with them like you are with George. And please Merlin never bully them like you did with Percy and Ron.

Live your life Freddie. Open the shop. Become rich and love your children. 

Thats all I want for you, 

Ill see you later, 


With a few tears running down my face I sealed the letter I wrote to Fred. I grabbed my wand and muttered a healing charm at my arm and my leg allowing them to fix themselves so that I could apparate quickly out of the hospital room. I turned around after signing the papers and placing them in an envelope to look once more at the two babies sleeping in front of me. I took the two sealed envelopes and placed them in the pram between the two sleeping babies. I left my wedding and engagement rings on the bedside table, I hope Fred will get to use them for someone else some day.

'Mummy will come back' I whispered. 'I know that deep down I remember you both. And I know that I love you. Its okay my darlings. Ill bring your right mummy back. No matter how long it takes.' 

Quickly I ran over to the other side of the bed and pushed the button that alerted the nurse that I was in need of help. Well, I wasnt about to just abandon two babies in a room in the hospital. 

And with that I took one final look at the hospital room and gathered up my new ID and passport, ready to begin my new life, for the next while at least as Isabella Frederique De León. A pureblood witch who is returning to Spain from her summer holidays in England. 

AN. Please dont hate on me or Aaliyah. She is going through a lot and just needs to clear her head. I promise it will all work itself out in the end. 

Fool Me Once (Book Two) - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now