Maybe (Christmas)

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Sam started crying and Dean hugged him, holding back his tears, trying to be strong for his brother.

That night, a police officer came by, and took Sam and Dean with him.

A routine started. A routine of the brothers, getting placed by strange people to raise them, running away and being found and placed somewhere else again. And all the time, Dean took care of Sam. It was his job.

Dean had learned to drive by someone anonymous, and when he was 16, they took their dad's car, which was still standing in the garage of their old house. They drove around in the Chevy '67 Impala, not knowing where to go, stealing money for gas and food.

They had driven pretty far, when suddenly they saw a bunch of bullies, hitting another guy. Dean pulled over and got out of the car. "Hey! Assholes! Yes, you!" he shouted, and started walking to the bullies. "How dare you, the 4 of you against only one?"

He was angry, after protecting Sammy all his life, he couldn't let this happen.

"Says who?" one of the bullies asked, and he laughed. Dean felt the anger rising inside of him.

"Says me," he said, and punched the first bully on the nose. Soon, they were all fighting, but after a few minutes, the bullies ran away.

"Thank you, no one has ever done such a thing for me," a voice said, and Dean saw a guy, lying on the ground. He helped him stand up. The guy wore a trench coat, dirty from the ground, had a small smile and incredibly blue eyes that looked at Dean curiously.

"Don't mention it," Dean replied, "are you okay? C'mon let's get to Sammy. I'm Dean by the way." He took out his hand.

"Castiel. Castiel Novak," the guy said and he shook Dean's hand.

That's when their wonderful friendship started. Sam and Dean decided to stay in town and Dean got a job so Sam could go to school. Cas and Dean became best friends and the three of them often hung out. And so it happened Cas was invited to share the Christmas dinner with the brothers.

The only dinner where they actually ate at the table and used plates, instead of the junk food they usually had. But that Christmas night, something happened. It was the 2nd time Cas came over for Christmas dinner, and they had been friends for over 2 years.

The three of them sat down as Dean had all the food brought in. "merry Christmas Sammy. Merry Christmas Cas." Sam and Cas both said their wishes back and Sam and Dean whispered a small "merry Christmas mom. Merry Christmas dad," and started eating.

After dinner, they did the dishes and sat outside to have a drink. The law said Sam was too young to drink, but they never obeyed any rules, so why should they obey this one? They drank their beer and talked about everything.

"Cas, something wrong" you've been unusually quit this evening," Dean said, looking concerned.

Cas sighed. He had to tell them. "Dean... Sam," he began. "I'm leaving." He looked at the ground.

It was silent for a minute.

"What? Why?" Sam asked.

"I... My brother who I live with is moving out of town, he said he has gotten another job somewhere else.

Dean looked confused. "You can stay here, and live with us!" he said.

"No," Cas said softly. "He... He doesn't like you, he thinks I might be gay and he doesn't want any of you to have a bad influence on me." It was silent again.

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