Episode 11 Fall out

Start from the beginning

What's wrong jungkook?I asked looking worried
What's your deal with ni ki mia?

My heart jumped into my stomach when I heard jungkook's question,,my body couldn't hold my legs any further,,I was shivering,hands and legs shaking to the reality of jungkook finding out about ni ki and I,,,will he go back to the old jungkook I used to know? Or will he be worse,even thinking about it felt like my last day on earth..

Answer me mia
Uh.uh..nothing jungkook..I finally heard myself saying with a slight smile.
Are you sure babe? He asked with a more calm and loving tone...
I took a deep breath before answering back..yes I'm sure there is nothing going on..you asked ni ki to take care of me while you were away and he did so that's all

Jungkook came forward to me and pulled me closer to him,his hands on my waist

I've missed you babe..he said with his bunny smile which always make me fall more and more for him.
I've missed you too jungkook...this few week without you felt so dull and empty
Don't worry I won't go anywhere again,I'll always be with you...
Jungkook's words were like a sweet melody to my ears the way he always says sweet things to me making me feel more loved..

I love you jungkook
I love you too mia...he said then kissed my lips

Two days to go before my final exams,and I'll be done with high school..I was so excited and I've been preparing a lot for this,,apart from our dates jungkook and I spents most of our time in the library...I felt so comfortable reading with him,,it was initially joy and I but since our fight joy and I hardly see each other anymore not to talk of speaking..

I was in the library as usual reading but this time I wasn't with jungkook...
Then I saw ni ki approaching me,I got up to avoid him but he stopped me.

Mia please at least talk to me,why are you acting as if we are swun enemies?
That's because we are ni ki..ever since you betrayed my trust and jungkook's
Jungkook and ni ki had a fight,you thought it was about what happened between you and ni ki but it wasn't close to that.

Mia but at least hear me out...I've been trying to apologise but you won't give me the chance to
Seriously mia your life is in grave danger...I promise you if you further your relationship with jungkook you will get hurt immensely..

Stop it ni ki there you go again with your lies,,I thought jungkook is your friend,why are you going about belittling him this way..wait because you confessed to me and I rejected now you want to paint jungkook bad before me so you would have your way. Wow ni ki wow...

No mia you're all wrong, that's not want I want to do here,,I'm just trying to protect you from getting hurt..
I don't need you to protect me ni ki I'm fine,,now listen don't ever appear in front of me again I'm warning you,,I didn't tell jungkook of what you said before because I respect your friendship but if you keep repeating this..I will have no other choice but to tell him everything now please leave me alone..

Mia please...
For goodness sake ni ki just go ...... fine then I'll go
I packed up my books and backpack and left ni ki standing alone..

Ni ki Pov

I'm sorry I had to call you here joy..because I know you are the only one that can help me talk to mia..
About what exactly ni ki?
Joy,,mia is going to get hurt if she stays with jungkook
So what do you want me to do?joy asked

I want you to make mia understand,like do something, get her away from him
I'm sorry ni ki I can't..not that i don't want to but she won't listen..this is the exact same reason we aren't friends anymore okay...

But you still care for her?
Of course I do ni ki,,I care for mia so much that's why I don't want her and jungkook's relationship
But why are you so against it,I thought jungkook is your friend why are you trying to break he's relationship??

The same reason you want to break him and Mia's...
What are you on about ni ki??

I felt it was time to tell joy the truth maybe if I let her know she might believe me and stop mia from getting hurt ... I don't care if jungkook kills me afterwards as far as I saved the girl I loved

Joy..there's a secret I've been hiding from mia
Joy looked at me with shock on her face...

What secret ni ki?...joy asked
Firstly promise me you won't tell anyone about this even mia,,the reason why I'm telling you is for you to help me and break them up

Would you fucking tell me the secret ni ki,,what are you hiding and exactly what is going on??

Joy yelled..

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