Episode 4 The Plan

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  You could feel your legs shaking after the fall,..you stayed on the ground without moving an inche not minding the people around you.
         Mia's Pov::
Why.. why is he doing this,? You asked yourself..have I ever wronged him in anyway,all i ever want is just to be loved and feel among my mates,I thought he only loved bullying me I never thought he would..you could feel your eyes swallowen from all the tears.You checked the time and it was almost time for your father to get home,you hurriedly stood up,cleaned yourself and headed home.

Jungkook's pov
I know I'm right she started it .. she called me a beast,I just had to show her what it felt like,yes..yes I'm right I don't feel any regrets...the words of mia echoed in your head repeatedly as if she was actually saying it to you again..
Mia you made a huge mistake by hitting me..this will come with severe consequences,I promise you I'm gonna make you regret every bit of harsh words you said to me..I'm going to make you loose every bit of your newly developed courage. My words....
Jungkook was extremely upset for slapping him,he was ready to make you pay,little did you know what was coming your way.

                     Your home
You slowly opened your front door to check if jungkook was still in your house.. you peeked inside..letting only your head do the work,you didn't see any sign of him,so you came in fully realising your dad standing in the corner...

ahhh..appa you startled me
You could sense your dad was really upset,he moved closer to you.. Mia where were you? He questioned..it was as if the ground should open and swallow you,leaving no trace of you

I asked you a question young lady answer me your father yelled leaving you standing still like a frozen stature.

N no no where appa ..I I ju just
I asked you a question mia and your stuttering answer me .. you couldn't lie to your dad cause you never did ..but this situation was really different it was a question of your purity,,you didnt want to involve your dad in your shitty life with jungkook so you lied..

I went to get something really quick appa..
That's why you left the door wide open mia?
When you ran out you didn't know what will happen, you were even surprised jungkook didn't do anything to your house.

What if a bugler came in...your father stated
With your voice almost cracking..I'm so sorry appa...you knew you were careless at that point
You father sighed....mia I'm not telling at you because of the open door..you should be more careful with this kind of things darling..
I will.you stated,and I'm really sorry..
Is okay princess,I was just worried sick.

You left your dad,going to your room,you sat on your bed still thinking of what occurred between you and jungkook..what will you do?how will you face him after hitting him? Will he kill you this time around? Or will he change after giving him a befitting reply like your friend urged you to?
All these questions ran through your head.you didnt even know when you slept off.

   It was already morning, you were getting ready for school, a part of you wanted to go to school, but the other part didn't agree,you thought of so many things that could happen when you face jungkook after what happened yesterday.

Appa I'll leave now take care..you pecked your father before making your way to the front door

   ......You are already in school waiting and imagining the worst when a group of girls came to you..
  How dare you? And what gave you the guts to talk to jungkook that way?ha sun stated

Park ha sun..the schools beauty,every guys dream girl,she was just like jungkook but the girl version
Annoying,spoilt,rich brat and a bully,she is loved by all men,but for some reason she wants jungkook....like they say birds of the same feathers flop together..

I asked you a question you dumb bitch..
I I.. before you could say anything one of ha sun's friend poured a cold drink on your hair..leaving you with your mouth opened and you standing up.....ha sun dragged you by your hair.

I thought I told you bitch to stay clear of jungkook, now I'm going to teach you..she pulled you by the hair and pushed you..falling on the floor with your face down.....you raised your head a lil..looking at the stature in front of you...it was none other than jungkook.

I knew it,I just knew it he was the one who sent ha sun..you concluded. To your greatest surprise you heard jungkook giving ha sun a ear full

How dare you touch her ha sun?..ha sun was a bit surprised at jungkook's reaction towards you
Jungkook what are you saying?ha sun started,I was just teaching this low life a lesson for messing with you.
Did I ask you to touch her? Jungkook said....don't you ever touch her again ha sun understand?

You were a bit surprised at jungkook's reaction,is he really taking my side? Jungkook? A guy that hates me with everything in him.
  Jungkook leaned closer to you
Here take my hand...your eyes were so wide that it could fall of from it's socket.....come on take my hand..jungkook stretched forth his hand to you
You quickly grabbed it and stood up.

T Thank you~~~
Are you okay? He asked leaving you still in shock
Y yes I'm fine you finally found your words
Good...he turned to ha sun to conclude,,,never,I repeat never touch her again ha sun...jungkook left the class room leaving everyone in shock including you.


                   School bell rings
Mia...mia..you heard someone yelling from across the other side of the hall..
   Joy what's wrong??you asked with a worried tone.
I should be the one asking you mia,,I heard what happened back in class and you didn't even care to let me know,I thought we were friends?
We are joy..I'm sorry, the thing is that I couldn't even believe it...it was as if I was dreaming like a day dream......so your saying jungkook took your side when you were been bullied by ha sun??
To my surprise Yes...I told you joy,he still has some soft side in him
Haaa. Dont be too sure mia,I told you before a devil can never change
Dont be to bitter joy maybe he has after.....
You didn't tell joy what happened to you yesterday at your house because it will get her very upset.so you decided to hide it from her.

After what?joy asked
Uhh....nothing never mind...a familiar voice interrupted the both of you..

Hey mia can I have a word?jungkook asked leaving you in yet another shock..even joy couldn't believe her ears

Su sure..
Uhh I'll excuse you two joy said..mia I'll see you later..you nodded in response, it was just you and jungkook,you feared he might do something again.

I won't do anything to hurt you trust me,,it was as if he read your mind..
Uhh..mia about yesterday I'm really very sorry,I didn't know what came over me,I was buried away in my own anger..that I tri....

It's fine jungkook you stated ,, I understand you were angry because I called you a beast I'm really sorry too,and I'm also sorry for hitting you..
   Jungkook nodded..I feel ashamed mia
Noo it's fine, you finally said..

You both had a little chat after the make up before jungkook finally left...
I'm I dreaming??you said to yourself, jungkook actually apologised..its too good to be true like the hell...or maybe he changed after what I did yesterday,,you were left in your own thought not knowing if it was real or fake.

Jungkook are you okay? Ni ki asked
Why? Why do you ask?
Uhh.  The whole school is talking about how you sided with mia and not ha sun

Jungkook let out a smirk, before facing ni ki.
Ni ki you have so much to learn from me
What are you talking about?? niki questioned
They said keep your friends close but your enemies closer.
I still dont understand you jungkook
You never understand ni ki.
Now listen is all a 'plan' my plan..ni ki's eyes widened to jungkook's statement..what?? A plan he asked.
Yeah and this is just the beginning of my plan Niki, ... more to come..
So what's your plan jungkook?
Jungkook looked at ni ki with all seriousness before saying .......
  'Making her fall in love with me'

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