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(same time as chapter twenty-two, different perspective)

Yoongi spotted pistol bullets beside the tv in the room they were in and pulled out his pistol from its holster, he reloaded the two empty slots from earlier and click it closed.

"How's you and your partner?" Hoseok spoke up, looking around the couch for things as well.

"Fine." Yoongi bluntly asked, taking a hand full of the pistol bullets and stuffing them in his pocket.

"It seems like you two have been getting close."

"Okay Lisa."

Hoseok stifled a chuckle. "I'm assuming Lisa pried first."

"Before I switched the fucking topic to her soon to be girlfriend. Hasn't said shit since."

"Her and Jungkook seems to be getting along with our members well haven't they?" Namjoon jumped in from a room beside him.

Yoongi spotted a necklace around one of the dead men's neck, bent down and snatched it off. "Not my shit to deal with."

"You think they will join the group?" Namjoon asked aloud, coming out of the said room and leaned his body on the wall.

"I wouldn't mind. I guess we could use reinforcements." Hoseok answered, sitting on the couch armrest. The two side-eyed Yoongi who was going through the bodies for jewelry.

"Why the hell y'all got quiet?"

"Nothing." Namjoon and Hoseok said at the same time.

A small boom could be heard from the other side of the house and soon afterwards were multiple shots. The three switched to their automatics and ran in the direction of the shots, their minds in sync as they thought one of their team members were in trouble.

As they ran, smoke was slowly getting to them and Hoseok knew it had to be one of their friends judging by the smoke bomb.

"Stop, let's wait it out." Hoseok commanded softly, stopping at his place. Namjoon and Yoongi also stopped, staring at the distance as they waited for the thick air to clear out.

It didn't take long though, once the shots stopped, the smoke thinned out, making the three crouch down to where they were at and practically duck walked to some nearby couches.

Hoseok looked around the corner of it and saw a few dead bodies lying on the floor. He turned his head back.

"Fuck, we lost them."

"Well, we gotta go fucking find them. Clearly, they ain't dead."

"What if they fled?"

"That's even worse cause they know where we at. We have to kill them before the other group gets here."

Yoongi made a finger gun with his hand and pointed at his head; his code sign to say picking them off. Hoseok shook his head no, they have to play their cards right and figure out the other group's motive.

Yoongi gave him the middle finger and looked away from his brother. Namjoon smirked at his action and stared out into space to hear out.

"You two, go hide in the basement to protect the drugs. Kill anyone that tries to enter. We will give you the signal to come out."

Hoseok and Namjoon's eyes widen while Yoongi turned his body to prepare to shoot. Hoseok quickly held his body down to stop him. They are on high alert right now, if they shoot them while they are still searching, there's a chance one of them could get shot.

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