"Caroline? To what do I owe the pleasure, love?" He asked, eyeing her from head to toe.

In this moment, Caroline almost regretted her outfit. Her shirt sure did reveal a lot cleavage. Blushing she answered him.

"Well I'm here to tell you to stop trying. No expensive gifts and absolutely no romantic drawings from now on!"

Klaus chuckled amused. "So, you think the drawing was romantic?" He raised his eyebrows, clearly enjoying himself.

Caroline on the other hand could not believe him. "Seriously? Is that all you got from what I just told you?"

Klaus opened the door farther and stepped aside. "Why don't you come in first? I believe it's my turn to offer you a drink?" Caroline glared at him.

He had completely ignored her request. Klaus realised that she needed an extra push. "Take a chance, Caroline. Talk to me. Get to know me." He could tell that she was fighting an inner battle against herself. "I dare you." Challenging her seemed to work, for she finally caved and started moving.

Klaus showed her into one of his sitting rooms. She sat down on a sofa, waiting for his next move.

Caroline prayed for Bonnie to hurry up. She did not know how long she was able to distract the hybrid.

Klaus took a seat next to her, their legs almost touching. Caroline flinched at the closeness.

"This is one of the best champagne brands I have ever tasted." Klaus told her, handing her a glass before filling it for her.

"It's a Krug." He told her, obviously expecting her to know what that meant.

Rolling her eyes she brought the glass to her lips. She took a cautious sip, half expecting it to be poisoned.

When the sparkling liquid filled her mouth her eyes widened and she could not help the moan that escaped her mouth at the exquisite taste and the tickling sensation the champagne left in her mouth.

She could feel his eyes on her the entire time and blushed. "I'm sorry. It's just so good!" Caroline explained embarrassed.

"It's alright, love. Your reaction was more than adequate, I assure you." He grinned at her which made her smile back at him.

"I just didn't know alcohol could taste this good!" Caroline was still overwhelmed. So much that she had almost forgotten who had introduced her to the pleasure of champagne.

"Champagne sure is a formidable liquid, I agree. Do you know what Dom Perignon said to his fellow monks after he invented champagne?" Klaus asked her, eager to share his knowledge.

Caroline raised her eyebrows intrigued. "'Come quickly' he said, 'I am tasting the stars!'" Klaus finished his little tale with a laugh.

His laugh was contagious. Frankly, it was weird that Caroline felt so comfortable with him. Maybe it was just some evil villain thing, Caroline thought to herself. Step one, make your prey feel comfortable and safe around you. Step two, eat her for dinner.

"So, you dared me to get to know you. All I got so far is that your taste in alcohol isn't half bad. What else do you want to talk about?" His eyes met hers.

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