15. Stamp of Approval Term 4, 2012

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I am ok with him leaving well not really, he was one of the few teachers that made our school lively. When he left for the other school (our sister school) it felt so dull. But I will live. At least I can concentrate on my studies now. Even though I won't get to see him every day, I will see him at church on Sundays. But it will never be the same. I added him on Facebook though, and I have a feeling he will accept me.

Also another thing, he came to my house the other day and had an hour conversation with my dad. When he left my dad said "He is a top bloke.", like a bazillion times so maybe that's a hint that if I marry Marsbar, he has already got Dad's stamp of approval. But I am not actually marrying him. I am too young of course.

Before he came to my house, Dad kept saying "Marsbar is coming to our house tonight."

"I knowwwww Dad."

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