3. Green Sunglasses Term 1, 2012

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Yes, I know, I have to talk about green again because I love green but green played a big part of my story ok 😊

At lunch my friends and I were under a tree and we just chilled there. Then I saw the door swing open from our year nine block and I knew straight away it was him. What he did next made my stomach flip! He looked at us and then walked straight towards me until he towered over me.

"Here." he said and dropped something in my lap.

"Huh?" I was a bit dazed but he didn't explain himself and then just walked straight back into the year nine block. Wtf!

No one noticed what happened, or if they did, they didn't care. I opened it and found a pair of green glasses. I stared at them in confusion, he gave them to me but why?

After school, I caught up to him before he went into his office.

"Hey, did you want your glasses back?" (I only said that so I could talk to him again.)

"Nah you can keep them. I got lots of them at home." (Context: he gets a lot of freebies from a company I think.)

I smiled and squealed but only a little bit, "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!"

"Your welcome." he smiled and laughed at me.

Oh! his laugh is so evil, and low and funny at the same time. No, actually, it just sounds pure evil and you can hear it from anywhere.

Dramatic and in LoveKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat