13. Youth Group Antics (Continuation of Leaving) Term 4, 2012

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So, near the end of the year, our youth leaders took us to the shopping centre in celebration of finishing the year. At the end, we gathered near the entrance and I found my few of a friends which were guys going up and down the escalator over and over again. So I joined in. About two rounds later I saw Marsbar.  I kept going up and down and we all laughed at how people were reacting to us. On the way up I would stand on one side so I could see his face and he kept taking glances at me. Hey I'm not exaggerating. My friend said so ok! He kept smiling at us as we continued to laugh and laugh. At one point I saw him talking to his mate and they kept glancing our way. My friend kept nudging me and whispered "Jess he is looking at you."

It was soo much fun but that fun soon ended when everyone started to leave. He waited for us and told us that we had to go now. My friend kept nudging me all the way through.

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