9. Judy Mid-year, 2012

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In term three, Marsbar asked me to help with the Chinese students who came every year for two weeks. I said "Sure of course." He was the leader and we went to Melbourne for a tour trip for the Chinese students. I can't remember all the girls' names, but they taught me some words. I asked them how to say I love you in Chinese and they said wo ai ni.

On the way back to school I said to one of the girls named Judy "Wo ai" and pointed at Marsbar. She giggled and pointed at Marsbar to see if we were on the same page. I nodded and we laughed.

"How old is he?" She asked.


"You two suit each other." she said.


"Yes, he's handsome."

Yep that's right he is very handsome she said so 😛

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