Chapter 6: Discovery

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How can this be... I don't know of what I see is real anymore.. Scarlet almost scratched me, but Carlos grabbed me and we started running once again. I didn't want to look of what my friends became, so I never looked back.. I was full of tears and fear... I think it was a hour later, we found a quiet and safe place, the only place that I would think is safe. My house... "So Carlos... If you were in a family full of dark god worshipers, what was it like?...", I asked. "Well.." Carlos replied. "At night, I would hear little children or people scream in the basement. Which turned out that my family was using people as sacrifices... They would paint the dark god on our walls or somewhere inside the house. They will always sing songs about the dark god. And to top it all off, they always want me to do those things with them...", Carlos said looking down at the floor. I hugged him. He looked like he really needed it.. "I'm so sorry about what happened to you.. No mean to get personal.. But, how did you run away from that place?" I asked after a few minutes of hugging. Carlos put my arms off of him. "It's a long story..." he said looking at me with a sad expression. "But, I saw the dark god face to face. But the god told me that I was gonna be useful. I thought it was the end of me when god was about to attack me. But just then, my step brother took the hit... He told me to run and never looked back. And that's what I did... and I never saw him since....", he said wiping the tears. I didn't know what to say nor feel... it left me speechless.. All I did was hug him. He hugged back... After maybe minutes, we stopped hugging. "We have to get out of here", my brother said with a panicked expression. I was hesitant at first but, I decided to listen to him and we started running. We stopped at a cliff and Carlos and I were surrounded by these zombie creatures.. "we have to jump", Carlos whispered. I replied with a whisper," B-but how?.. We might not make it out alive....". "Just trust me", he said with a worried smile. So then, we both jumped across the cliff and to the other side. We somehow... Somehow made it. We started running. We then found a small house. And it was unlocked.. I had a really bad feeling about going inside. But Carlos insisted for me to go inside... We soon started to slowly walk into the house. We found a note on a table. I dropped the paper immediately after reading it. Carlos asked me what was wrong...... I looked at him with tears and said," I discovered the truth......"
To be continued in:
A Broken Soul chapter 7: The Truth

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