Chapter 1: A normal life..

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Hello, my name is Emma Thomson.. And this is my story of how.. how my life was normal from one second, and the next.. everything all goes crashing down... Well let me introduce my family. My Mom is Stacie Thomson, she's a archaeologist and she will always try to make the family have a good time during my parents spare time. Then let me introduce my dad, Andrew Thomson is a owner of a restaurant called," Star Foods". And lastly my sister, Olivia Thomson is one of the top 10 students at school. Yup, this is my life. I'm in 6th grade and enjoying school. I know that sounds weird, but it's because I'm in a school and I'm enjoying it!! I know that sounds weird, but it's due to me and my sister being in an anti-bully school and we have a lot of friends!! Everything was fine, until one day.. Everything started to go downhill.....
To be Continued in:
A Broken Soul Chapter 2: Downhill

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